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Site Map
document map
folder.png Top Menu
page.png Home
page.png Tech Articles
folder.png Forum
folder.png Site Map
folder.png Tech Articles
folder.png Tech Tips Index
folder.png Body/Sheetmetal
folder.png Fenders
page.png How to Remove and Lower the Rear Fender
The object of this article is to explain how to "lower" the rear fender on a Road Star. What you are actually doing is "lowering" the tail of the fender by "rolling" the entire fender on its pivot point. You do this by modifying...
page.png Reinforce the Rear Fender
Reprinted by Permission of RoadStarMagazine.com ...
folder.png Fairing
page.png Harley Fairing on the Road Star
Have you ever wished that Yamaha had made the Road Star with an optional Fairing like the one available on a Harley Davidson dresser? Well you can add one yourself and it is not that hard to do. There is probably a dozen different ways to go about mounting...
folder.png Gas Tanks
page.png Apply 3M Protective Film On The Road Star Fuel Tank
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Below are the scans Jeff has provided, he also has stated that the 2000 might have a different Pinstripe...
page.png How to get rid of the rattle in the tank
Reprinted by Permission from Fatbike Ixnay the Attleray If your like most of us you've noticed right away that the gas tank seems to rattle from the rear of the tank. Although...
page.png Roadstar Tank Removal
Reprinted by Permission from NoPork.com One rider tells how he removed the tank on his Roadstar. The tank is pretty easy to remove... The hardest part of removing it...
folder.png Brakes
folder.png Maintenance
page.png Replace your Rear Brake Pads
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips with a note on the Front Pads at the bottom of this procedure As with any maintenance procedure if you don't feel comfortable ...
folder.png Aftermarket Master Cylinders
page.png Using a Harley Rear Master Cylinder
Items Needed: Kelsey Hayes type master cylinder: L 1979-1983 Harley FX or 1980-1981 XL Sportster Product Link 3/16”x 1” flat stock approximately 4” long. 2 bolts 5/16”x 2 ˝” 2 5/16”chrome acorn nuts 1 5/16” x 24 banjo bolt 1...
page.png Front Master Cylinder Ratio Chart
Front Master Cylinder Ratio Chart Reprinted by Permission from VintageBrake.com Front Master Cylinder Ratio Chart While attending Vintage Days West, and thoroughly enjoying it, I was reminded that many of the people I had occasion to talk...
folder.png Carb/Manifold/AirKit
Articles relating to the Mikuni Stock Carburator.  Rejtting, informational, modifying......
folder.png Stock Carburetor
page.png Choke knob trim
This is something you can try if you are running rich or have poor mileage and you can’t seem to solve the problem no matter what you do. It isn’t meant to take the place of a proper float level, correct jetting, and a well sealed system....
page.png Change the Float Bowl Needle Valve (and lose your fuel pump)
NEEDLE VALVE SET REPLACEMENTReason for changing the STOCK needle float valve setI own a 2000 Silverado, and love this bike.  Shortly after I had the bike broken in, I decided to see what our rides could do flat out.  Well at just under 100MPH,...
page.png Adjustable PMS for the Road Star
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for you screwing up your ride, yourself or someone else by you making this modification. This is what I did and it works OK for me. Don’t blame me if you are a D.A (and I don’t mean district attorney) because you trashed...
page.png Bulldogs Carb Jetting Primer - How to Dial it in
David is a Technical Moderator, for Baron's Custom Accessories Technical Forum I thought I would explain basic carb and jetting functions so everyone could better understand how it all works. These carbs have two primary fuel circuits; the slow/pilot...
page.png Check your float bowl level
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Float Adjustment Procedure Some symptons of a too high level are,  The choke does not work properly. You'll see liquid spitting in the end of the exhaust after initial start up...
page.png How To Adjust the Accelerator Pump
Reprinted by permission from Mr Tidy's tech tips On the 40mm Mikuni Carburetor  One of the problems I've had with the Road Star is a coughing or backfiring out the carburetor through the breather. One of the cures is to  decrease amount...
page.png Mikuni/Dyno Jet Conversion Table
Reprinted by permission from Mr. Tidy's tech tips Mikuni / Dynojet Jets Mikuni Dynojet     140 149.3 Flow rates based on size markings of Mikuni and DynoJet jets are not comparable ...
page.png Pilot Jet and PMS explained
Some of you have recently sent me notes asking for clarification between Bulldog's Jetting Primer and Mucker's Principles of Carburetion, with respect to what sounds like different explanations of how the Pilot circuit works in the Road Star's stock Mikuni...
page.png Principles of Modern Motorcycle Carburetor Function
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Specifically in application to the Yamaha XV1600 Road Star Whatever the motorcycle or automobile, most carbs work on the same principles and internal systems to deliver fuel in the proper mixture...
page.png Rejet Your Carburetor
Reprinted by permission from Mr. Tidy's Tech Tips Re-Jet Procedure                             ...
page.png Setting up and Adjusting your TPS
The TPS adaptor on the carburetor is responsible for reporting the position of your throttle to the ignition (ignitor).  The ignition uses this information to adjust the timing curve on the bike to match driving conditions.  We have seen some...
page.png The "At witt's End Backfire Cure"
Reprinted by permission from Mr Tidy's tech tips I report this as a last ditch effort for those who may experience extreme situations where their bikes are persistently backfiring through the intake OR exhaust, AND conventional efforts to fix the problem...
page.png The WOT test (wide open throttle)
This is a living document and will be ammended from time to time, as needed to make corrections, and as appropriate to accomodate new things as we learn them.  We are still learning the benefits and potential misreads that can come from this test,...
page.png Dialing in your PMS
There are several methods of approaching the process of dialing in the PMS on the stock carb.  This article outlines one method that can used, and which is designed to balance out the other circuits in the carb for best driveability. The Pilot...
folder.png Aftermarket Carburetors
page.png Installing a Genesis Carburetor
Introduction Some Road Star owners love the stock, 40mm Mikuni, CV carburetor. Others favor their aftermarket Mikuni HSR 42mm or 45mm, while still others are sold out to the S&S; Super-G, using an aftermarket manifold. However, it is hard to...
page.png Fabricating a TPS Driver
Introduction All Road Stars built before the fuel injected, 2008 models vary their ignition timing via a small sensor attached to the carburetor. This sensor is called the Throttle Position Sensor -- or TPS. Theoretically, the more you twist your...
page.png Installing a V.O.E.S. for the Mikuni HSR carburetor
Understanding the VOES When I got rid of my stock carb and installed a Mikuni HSR42 flat-side, I was a happy camper except for one thing. I seemed to have a bit less power in the low and mid rpm ranges. This, I discovered, was because the Mikuni...
folder.png Manifold
page.png Finding Intake Manifold Air Leaks
David is a Technical Moderator, for Baron's Custom Accessories Technical Forum Your engine had been running fine. Recently it has started running poorly or backfiring, maybe when its warm, maybe when its cold or sometimes the problem just seems to come and go...
page.png Install the Nemesis Manifold
With all the hulla-balloo lately on The Road Star Riders Forum about the issues involved mounting a stock airbox with K&N BAK and Nemesis Racing manifold, I decided to write a document to show ya’ll how easy it is to not only install the manifold...
page.png Road Star Clinic Ported Manifold FAQ
Road Star Clinic Manifold Porting FAQ  Edit Note:  The Road Star Clinic has ceased producing ported manifolds.  We have elected to leave this FAQ on the clinic due to its informational content.  What is “porting”? How...
page.png Porting The Stock Manifold
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips (While Waiting For Greg's Manifold)  Its not rocket science  ! Its really very simple - if you have the proper tool !!  You need a variable speed Dremel tool with a course sandpaper...
folder.png Fuel Pump
page.png Relocate your fuel pump (under side cover)
Reprinted by permission from Mr Tidy's tech tips  I don't remember who came up with this idea, but I think this is a VERY CLEAN relocation scheme for the fuel pump. It may have been Bill H I think. I can't take credit for all of this...
page.png Installing a Vacuum Fuel Pump
  A number of riders have made the change from the stock electrical pump to a vacuum pump.  The vacuum pump is used in ultralights and snowmobiles, thus it is more than reliable for our bike applications.  There are two pumps that have...
folder.png Miscellaneous
page.png Vent the stock Road Star Gas Cap
Vent that Stock Cap! (but only if you have too – like all you nuts that just HAVE to put on a 42HSR Mikuni) Here we’ve got the basic items we need to dis-assemble the stock cap: Next we remove these two screws and the lock tab cover:...
page.png Build a Cheap and inexpensive Aux Fuel Tank
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips When you have to remove the gas tank to tune your carbs you sometimes need a source of fuel so you can run the bike for an extended time.  There are tanks available that are made specifically...
folder.png Chassis/Frame
folder.png Front Forks
page.png Changing the Front Fork Oil
When it came time for me to replace the fork oil in my 06 Roadie I sought guidance from the RSC and there was no compelte guide to replacing the fork oil. There are several ways to accomplish this task, and I will outline the way I did it successfully...
folder.png Crash Bars
page.png Road King Crash Bars on a Road Star
 Reprinted by Permission of RoadStarMagazine.com After several months of searching for a viable highway/crash bar I was still undecided.  The only thing I had seen on a motorcycle that I really liked was...
folder.png Swingarm
page.png How to Install a set of Highway Hawk swingarm covers
(so they fit properly and look good) How many of you have bought a set of those nice Highway Hawk chrome rear swingarm covers only to find out they’re kinda cheesy and not **really** made to fit the Road Star? I learned the hard way but refused...
folder.png Raking
page.png How to get started: Chop to it!
Chop To It  by Richard Rose Associate Editor Beginner Bikes   Reprinted by Permission from Beginners Bike Magazine Welcome to Customarily Minded, where the motto here is "Stock bikes may be cool, but it's customs that make me drool...
folder.png Trees
page.png Quick Clean up for the Front of the Neck
I discovered a neat way to clean up the ugly black neck area of the Road Star. I came up with this idea when I installed a new custom headlight on my roadie, With the stock headlight housing removed it really exposed that area , so I came up with this,...
folder.png Driveline
folder.png Belts
page.png Installing Barons lower chrome guard
Without having to loosen or remove the rear wheel ! Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Remove saddlebag if necessary and remove front saddlebag bolts and footpeg.  Place a cotton sock over the end of the saddlebag bracket...
folder.png Gauges & Aftermarket
folder.png Oil Pressure Gauges
page.png Oil Pressure Gauge Installation
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Parts Needed Item Pt# Price Oil pressure gauge (100lbs) J&P 18-208 $32.99 10mm banjo fitting – 35 degrees J&P 14-019 $8.99 9 inch...
folder.png Electrical
folder.png AuxLighting
page.png Install Neons Under the Tank
Installing Neon and LED Lights Under the Tank on Your Roadstar 1.) Start the engine, and turn off the gas to allow some of the gas to drain out of the fuel line, turn off the engine. 2.) Remove the Instrument Panel, first by removing the 3 hex bolts...
folder.png Brake Lights
page.png How to apply the Back Off MC brake light module
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips The Back off MC brake light module #1001 runs approx, $35.00 Approx, 20 min, job * Sugession before you start *  From: J Coulter   One thing you could add to...
folder.png Headlight
page.png Mark Cole's $100 Passing Lamps
Mark Garetz at www.vstar1100.com originally put this idea together.  Mark Cole (Mark7) adapted it to work on his Road Star, and after a very favorable reception on our forum, agreed to write out this set of instructions for the benefit of other...
page.png AussieGlenn's Headlight Rattle Dilemma
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Update 4/10/00     On-going fame for my tip, I love being able to give something back to this board!    4000k's since the fix and it is still going strong with no problems...
folder.png Ignition
page.png Installing a Dyna 3000 Ignition
The stock Road Star ignition module does an adequate job of controlling the sparkplug timing and RPM limitations, as long as you're running a reasonably stock engine, stock carburetor--and you don't mind being limited to 4,250 rpm for 1600 series...
page.png Dyna 3000 Switch Settings
Dyna 3000 Switch Settings Reprinted by permission, from Road Star Magazine  If you have installed a Dyna 3000 on your Road Star there is a little tip about how you can cut a hole in your battery case so you have...
page.png Supplemental Instructions for installing a Rev Master
NOTE from GRAM:  Kirk prepared these instructions for someone he sold his Rev Master to.  They are not complete instructions, and are meant to supplement the instructions that come with the Rev Master.  Due to the high quality of Kirks...
folder.png Horns
page.png Can you hear me now ?
I can't remember how many times I've blown my horn at a cager occupied on a cell phone and could hardly hear the horn myself. The OEM horns are weak at best and forget about it at freeway speeds with aftermarket pipes. So I set out to find...
page.png Horn Modification 2001 V Star (Road Star too)
EDITORS NOTE:  Barry just started making a very cool gas cap option for the Road Star.  If you would like to see it, please visit his website.  It can be found on our "Links of Interest" page, or by clicking here.  To email Barry,...
folder.png Signal Lights
page.png Convert to Red Rear sigs using a HD FLT lens
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips The first lens I observed that would fit our turn signal light housings were some at Star Days 99' on Barons table. Prices on these lens were $10.00 a piece. I had seen a few post that said...
page.png 4 way flashers for your Road Star
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips While at Hot Springs I had a few people ask me how I wired up my 4 way flashers. Rather than a long technical explanation I decided to draw the diagram and point out the hook up points.  This entire...
page.png Instructions for installing Kuryakyn Run/Turn/Brake Controller #4864
Reprinted by permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips These instructions will allow you to modify the Kuryakyn part #4864 to work on the Road Star which has the single filament Silver Bullet lights, or any single or dual filament light installed...
page.png Instructions for installing Kuryakyn Run/Turn Controller #4865
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips These instructions will allow you to modify the Kuryakyn part #4865 to work on the Road Star which has the single filament Silver Bullet lights installed as turn signals on the front of the bike...
page.png Convert to run/turn: Road Star Tail light Conversion Procedure
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips You've been wanting to change those turn signal lamps into turn signals and running lamps, but didn't want to pay $130.00 for a converter module.  Well for approx., $10.00 a a little effort you...
page.png Convert your Turn Signals to RunTurn Signals, an Alternative Method
Reprinted by permission from Mr. Tidy's Tech Tips I first picked up some red lenses from a motorcycle salvage shop nearby. Perfect fit. Must have come off an old Yamaha (?). (an alternative to this is using a Custom Chrome Lens or picking up some Red...
page.png Convert rear turns to run with stock bulbs
Convert Turn Signal Lamps To Combination Running/Turn Lamps  using 1156 Bulbs (Single filament)    By John Cosentini (4KRZN@Bigfoot.com)      Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips This schematic...
folder.png Starter
page.png Installing 4-Gauge Starter Cables and a Warrior Starter
Introduction The stock Road Star starter has a tough life even in the best of circumstances. You've probably thought so yourself at times--maybe when the weather turns cold and your battery is not as young as it use to be, or maybe every time you...
page.png Fixing the Starter Spin Problem
Introduction If your Road Star is a 2003 or earlier model, you are a candidate for the dreaded starter spin problem. Starter spin happens when the generator rotor--which the starter is supposed to engage--comes loose from its shaft, and renders...
folder.png Stators
page.png Charging '101' for Yamaha Road Stars
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Charging problems can drive you up the wall.  Adding to this is the fact that there seems to be no easy way for us simpleton's to verify that the Regulator/Recitifier is good or faulty....
page.png Installation of Baron's High Output Stator
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Note: Please read the instructions before attempting this procedure:  The stator installation is straight forward, but there are a couple of things that will make life easier as...
page.png Replacing Your Generator Stator and Your Rectifier/Regulator
  Introduction Regardless of the model year--'99 to present--the Road Star is designed as a no-apologies, big, bad, boulevard cruiser. As such, the electrical charging system is made for the K.I.S.S. principle--Keep It Simple, Stupid. But...
folder.png Engine
folder.png Valves
page.png Adjust your Road Star's Valves Using a Dial Indicator
Reprinted by permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips The process of adjusting our valves is not that hard if you understand what is going on and why we are doing it this way.  Yes we have hydraulic valves and it's said "hydraulics'...
page.png Valve Adjustment
Reprinted by permission from Mr Tidy's tech tips Place bike on a lift if available or stand to hold bike straight up if possible. Remove 3 allen bolts holding instrument cluster, disconnect connectors or fold instrument cluster back over handlebars...
page.png Odo's Addendum to other Valve Adjustment Articles
Valve Adjustment (Supplement to other adjustment articles)     Ok folks, if I have to explain, how to take your tank and seat off, then, you may want to have someone else do your valve adjustment, LOL ! !   All-right-tee then...
folder.png Engine Tear Down and Reassembly Series
page.png Start Here: Complete Engine Tear Down
Introduction There can be many reasons for tearing your engine completely apart: Installing a big-bore kit that requires machining of the crankcase Repairing the transmission, crank, or other major component Replacing main-bearings,...
page.png Going Full Bore
This article is one of a series which describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article describes big-bore options and a bit of engine performance/upgrade theory. See the Complete Engine Tear Down,...
page.png Parts and Tools
Resourcing Tools and Parts   This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article identifies skills required, lists parts selection, gaskets (and other consumables)...
page.png Starting the Project
Introduction This article is one of a series which describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article covers preparation of your workspace, parts storage, parts labeling, bolt organization, and...
page.png Disassembling the Top End and Cylinders
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article describes how to begin tearing the engine down, including removing the engine's rocker, head,...
page.png Disassembling the Engine’s Left Side
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article describes how to tear down the engine's clutch, shift-shaft, primary drive gear, pickup rotor,...
page.png Disassembling the Transfer Case
Introduction   This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article shows how to remove and tear down the transfer case assembly. See the Complete...
page.png Disassembling the Cam Area
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article describes how tear down the cams assembly. See the Complete Engine Tear Down, Orientation article...
page.png Disassembling the Generator Area
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article tells how to remove the generator assembly. See the Complete Engine Tear Down, Orientation article...
page.png Removing and Disassembling the Crankcase
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular document shows you how to remove the engine from the frame, and how to split the crankcases. It also...
page.png Working on the Disassembled Engine
Introduction This article is one of a series which describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article covers important details in preparing your parts for machining, powdercoating, and painting....
page.png Assembling the Crankcases
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article shows how to reassemble the engine’s crank, transmission, and oil pump assemblies into the crankcase...
page.png Assembling the Engine’s Left Side
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular document describes how to install the engine's clutch, shift-shaft, primary drive gear, pickup coil,...
page.png Assembling the Generator Area
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article explains how to install the generator assembly. See the Complete Engine Tear Down, Orientation article...
page.png Assembling the Cam Area
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular document ” tells how to reassemble cams and lifters, including several time saving and verification tips...
page.png Assembling and Installing the Transfer Case
Introduction This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular document tells how to reassemble and install the transfer case. See the Complete Engine Tear Down, Orientation...
page.png Installing the Pistons and Cylinders
Introduction This article is one of a series which describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article shows how to install pistons, and cylinders. See the Complete Engine Tear Down, Orientation...
page.png Assembling the Top End
Introduction This article is one of a series which describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular article shows how to install the heads, reassemble rocker-arms, adjust valve sync, and install and adjust...
page.png Finishing Up
Introduction This article is one of a series which describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular highlights how to finish putting the rest of the bike back together. See the Complete Engine Tear Down,...
folder.png Crankcase
page.png Installing the Krankvent from ET-Performance
[Editor Note from GRAM: ]  I have used the Krankvent for a number of years now, and have been very pleased with it.  Subsequent to an offer from the manufacturer for a unit to review, I asked Pat to install it on his bike and provide...
page.png Installing a Crankcase Breather
Reprinted by Permission from FatBike This is a fairly simple project that requires very little time and effort.  The idea is that when the crankcase breathes under pressure, it can push a little oil into the breather box.  I have found...
folder.png Heads
page.png Dowel Pin Etiquette, Keeping Track of Them
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Most of us will at sometime, will either check the adjustable fingers on the rocker arms or do some sort of engine work on the Road Star.  If you notice in the diagram there are 6...
folder.png Cams
page.png Applying Rocker Arm Bases, A Hint or two from Dave
Reprinted by permission from Mr Tidy's tech tips On Changing Cams and lifter advice. The procedure of changing cams is typically done without changing lifters, unless there was a pre existing problem with the lifters. I have seen this procedure...
page.png Cam Replacement Procedure
Reprinted by permission from Mr. Tidy's Tech Tips Removing Fuel Tank Place the bike on a stand or lift. Remove the three allen bolts holding the instrument panel to the tank. While leaving the two wire harnesses connected, hang the...
folder.png Pistons
page.png How to install Hi-Compression pistons in a Roadstar
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Thanks to Hezbak, Thor, Mucker, and Dan Rand for their help and moral support.  Special thanks to Mr. Tidy for maintaining the Tips page and Lone Roadie for the pics. Buy a shop manual and study the...
folder.png Exhaust
folder.png Stock Exhaust
page.png Drill the Stock Exhaust (stage 1, 2, 3)
Reprinted by Permission from FatBike The Stages of Pipe Drilling Drilling the stock pipes is the most popular modification among ‘Star owners.  The stock pipes are very restrictive and quiet, primarily in order to meet the strict guidelines...
folder.png Baffle Mods (aftermarket pipes)
page.png Vance & Hines Longshot Baffle Mod for Road Star
I had Longshots and a Kuryakyn Twin velocity air cleaner installed on my brand new '02 Midnight Star at the 600 mile service (July '02). The pipes are a LOT louder than I expected. My riding buddy says they sound really good, but are almost obnoxious...
page.png DG Hard-Krome 3" Straight Baffle Modification
Several people have complained that their after market pipes are too loud. This can be very annoying on long trips. Here is a cheap and easy modification for the DG HK baffles. 1. Go to Home Depot and buy 2 Danco Crumb Cups. Located in the sink repair department...
page.png Make your own performance Baffles
Here are the info/instructions on how I made my Thundermonsters. I followed the instructions posted by RUBADUB11 on the forum. I’ve also include a pic. Here are the instructions to make a set of home made Thundermonsters. The dimensions here are...
folder.png AIS
page.png AIS Removal Instructions (99-03)
Reprinted by Permission from NoPork.com   Preparation for AIS Place the plugs in the Freezer overnight, this will shrink the material for an easier install. Optional parts removal. Gas tank, left side cover, also you may want...
page.png California AIS Removal (99-03)
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips This is intended for Off Road use only. Thanks to Paul Yotsuya (Yotsie) for the initial drawings and instructions for this project Items below can be removed : Item #   3...
page.png 04 Road Star AIS Removal
Supplemental Instructions for NoPork's and Paul Yotsuya's Articles EDITOR's NOTE: Rather than write an entirely new article on AIS removal for the 04's, Barron chose to write an article outlining the differences between the 99-03s and the 04s, to be...
folder.png Aftermarket Exhaust
page.png Straightening Bent Exhaust Flanges
Introduction I went to remove my aftermarket exhaust pipes the other day, but they wouldn't come off. At first, everything looked normal: The exhaust header-studs looked fine. Those four, chrome, exhaust-flange nuts weren't rusty...
folder.png Forwards/Floorboards
folder.png Floorboards
page.png Heel Toe Shifter Cover Conversion Using Kuryakyn Covers
Reprinted by Pernission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips If you have thought about using the KuryAkyn shifter pegs and didn't want to cut your old ones off and do the drilling and tapping.  Your worries are over, KuryAkyn has come out with a new...
page.png Floorboard Extensions for the Road Star
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips The addition of floorboard extensions has been a pretty common mod that quite a few people have done over the last several years.   It's a matter of time, tools, price and preference...
page.png Road Star Floorboards for the Vertically Challenged
EDITORS NOTE:  Barry just started making a very cool gas cap option for the Road Star.  If you would like to see it, please visit his website.  It can be found on our "Links of Interest" page, or by clicking here.  To email Barry,...
page.png Changing Position of the Rear Brake Pedal
EDITORS NOTE:  Barry just started making a very cool gas cap option for the Road Star.  If you would like to see it, please visit his website.  It can be found on our "Links of Interest" page, or by clicking here.  To email Barry,...
page.png Make your own floor board pegs
Floorboard Pegs   Materials: JC Whitney Chrome-plated Adjustable-mount Fold-up Foot Pegs, Any Style     Pair ZX064282U $24.99   Home Depot Ľ inch square tubing, 3 ft piece $4.25     Bolts...
folder.png Footpegs
page.png Fabricate your own highway bars for 25 bucks
I like to rest my feet on top of the highway bars; however, if you like to hook your heel on the highway bars be VERY careful as the right hand side puts your heel very close to the brake and you can apply the brake from this position. You may want to...
page.png Pillion Footpeg Flip
 Reprinted by Permission of RoadStarMagazine.com Swapping your pillion's footpegs will give most passengers a greater degree of comfort.  It is an easy mod to do and will only take about ten to fifteen minutes...
folder.png Handlebars + Controls
folder.png Handle Bars
page.png Installing Pro One Risers
Reprinted by Permission of RoadStarMagazine.com Well, it wasn’t too hard a task, once I found the right tools *sigh*. Unfortunately the Road Star toolkit doesn’t have a big enough spanner to under the riser bolts or a large...
folder.png Handle Bar Controls
page.png Cheap A$$ Throttle Clutch (cruise control)
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Ok! What can you do with a motorcycle and $2.00? Build a throttle clutch. Yep, for about 2 bucks you can have a throttle clutch on your Roadie. Here's what you need ... About a foot of ...
page.png Improving the Look of Your Throttle Lock
Reprinted by Permission of Mr Tidy's Tech Tips The standard throttle lock many of us use comes with a plastic bracket that holds the throttle lock in place. To make this work with the Roadstar the plastic arm connecting the lock to the bracket runs...
page.png Running wires through the handlebars
Hey Folks,            I don't have any pics of me putting the wires in, but, I can explain a few things. Inside the headlight bucket is 3 wiring connectors. 1 connector for the right handlebar controls,...
page.png Adjusting Your Clutch Cable
 Reprinted by Permission of RoadStarMagazine.com Your clutch should be adjusted so that there is about a nickle's worth of play in the lever, when slight tension takes up the slack in the cable.   NOTE: better...
folder.png License Plates
folder.png Lubrication
folder.png Oil
page.png Changing your oil is easy
This bike is known for not using oil and responds well to different flavors of dino or synthetic oils. Your bike will let you know what it likes as you try some different options in oil selection. Lately I've been using Royal Purple 20W50 Synthetic, which...
page.png Simple, Safe way to change the oil
Reprinted by Permission from FatBike As many of you know, there are several different methods used to change the oil in the Road Star. The method that I prefer was actually introduced by Dave M (Thor). It works well and doesn't involve starting the engine...
folder.png Filters
page.png Oil Filter Cross Reference
David is a Technical Moderator, for Baron's Custom Accessories Technical Forum OIL FILTERS FOR  ROAD STAR, ROYAL STAR, AND ROYAL STAR VENTURE  ALL OF THE FOLLOWING PART #’S WILL FIT YOUR BIKE BOSCH……………………….3300 K&N…………………………...
folder.png Luggage/Pouches
folder.png Quick Release Systems
page.png Quick Disconnect System for Silverado Bags
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips Whenever I wanted to clean the bike up it was always a pain to have to unbolt the bags off the supports so I could clean in behind them. I thought of these pins and tried them out. Turns out...
folder.png Leather Saddlebags - Mounted
page.png CCSaddlebags (generic bags) with Easy Brackets
This was one of the easiest projects I have ever undertaken on my bike. Total time was about 2 1/2 hours. It probably could have been done in 45 minutes to an hour but I was taking pics and making notes. I recently acquired a set of "Hurricane Studded"...
folder.png Miscellaneous
page.png Build a Tank-Mounted Pet-Carrier or Bag
Introduction After years of resisting my wife's desire to get a dog, I finally gave in and we got one -- a little female... That was three years ago. Admittedly, I now carry more pictures of my dog than of my children or grandchildren. She has...
folder.png Misc Technical Papers
folder.png Horsepower-Torque
page.png Background of Physics and Torque
Explanation of Torque Reprinted by permission of Craig Fry, from http://home.fuse.net/pagrosse/ Torque Torque is strength; horsepower is speed. Torque is a measure of how much weight you can move; horsepower is a measure of how fast you can move...
page.png Mathematics of Torque and Horsepower
The Mathematics to Understanding the Relationship of an Engines Torque and Horsepower   Reprinted by permission of Craig Fry, from http://home.fuse.net/pagrosse/   When reading any sort of article or information concerning an engine, a...
page.png HP-Torque Comparison, LT1 and L98 Corvettes
Horsepower/Torque comparison LT1 Corvette and L98 Vettes Reprinted by permission of Craig Fry, from http://home.fuse.net/pagrosse/ Here is an example of how horsepower makes a major difference in how fast a car can accelerate, in spite of what...
folder.png Safety
folder.png Moving/Picking up Bikes
page.png How to Pick Up Your Motorcycle
How to Pick Up Your Motorcycle Reprinted By Permission from the Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Center EDITORS NOTE:  The Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Center maintains a fabulous website with a variety of articles oriented toward rider safety...
folder.png Seats/Backrests
folder.png Seats
page.png Make your own: Sheepskin Seat Cover
A Sure (Almost) Cure For Monkey Butt ! Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips A lot of riders complain of an uncomfortable seat on our Road Stars.  Not me. I think the stock seat is great – for about 400 miles a day .  One...
folder.png Backrests
page.png Make Your Own Drivers Backrest
Reprinted By Permission of RoadStarMagazine.com On one of my many bike tours to various parts of the country I rented a HD dresser that came equipped with a factory drivers backrest pad that made the trip and long days in the saddle much more enjoyable,...
folder.png Spark Plugs/Coils
folder.png Spark Plugs
page.png Guide to Reading Spark Plug Performance
David is a Technical Moderator, for Baron's Custom Accessories Technical Forum The ability to read spark plugs can tell a mechanic a lot about the state of tune of an engine and about some of the problems an engine may be experiencing. In the absence...
folder.png Coils
page.png Installing Nemesis or Dynatech Coils and Plug-Wires
Introduction The stock coils are prone to leaking so much spark that some riders have observed large arcing from their coils to the frame or tank on a dark night. Yikes! As a result, many owners have wrapped their coils with electrician's tape--an...
folder.png Suspension
folder.png Rear Suspension
page.png Lowering the Roadstar with Adjustable Dogbones
So you want to lower your bike? Lowering with longer dogbones is a very popular way of doing this. It keeps the factory suspension geometry the same as stock, and allows the owner to lower the bike to where they want it to sit. These instructions are...
page.png The Flip: Lower your Roadstar the Fatbike way...
These are photos of a bike before it was lowered...   Click on a photo to enlarge.  (Bike courtesy of Father Dave.) OK, so it's not really MY way, but it is definitely the way that I prefer.  The method below is virtually free,...
page.png Rear Spring or Dogbone Removal and Replacement
So you put on a few pounds and figure it’s time for that rear spring upgrade? Installing the upgraded rear spring will stiffen up the bike so it does not bottom out as easily. This job is simpler than you think. Lets review the tools we need: Motorcycle...
page.png Flip (lower) without removing the fender/splash guard/wheel
I’ve seen several instructional articles about lowering your Road Star.  The ones I’ve read all require you to remove the rear fender, wheel, and splash panel.  I don’t remove anything but the shock assembly when I do a lowering job.  The...
folder.png Front Suspension
page.png Upgrading the Front Suspension
Front Suspension Maintenance and Upgrades I made some changes to my bike this winter and decided to upgrade the front suspension. There are several things you can do such as change the type of fluid, weight of fluid, upgrade the springs, or add a set...
folder.png Tires
folder.png Tires
page.png Tire Conversion Tables
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips  TIRE CONVERSION TABLES:  (Road Star OEM in bold-italics) Thanks to Bob Cody FRONT TIRES REAR TIRES Metric Alpha Inch Metric...
folder.png Fat Tire Mods
These articles have historically been spread out in different areas of the clinic. We added this section to make them easier to find....
folder.png Fat Tire Mods
page.png FatBike... Fat Tire!
Reprinted By Permission from FatBike Since posting the new photo's of my bike with the new, lower and fatter rear end, I have been getting lots of letters from people, asking me to outline how the project went.  Due to popular demand, here are the details...
page.png Another Way to Grind Your Subfender for a Fat Rear Tire
NOTE FROM BILL:  This particular procedure was performed on a motorcycle that is designated for solo riding only.  It is not intended to carry a passenger on the modified area.  Many people have asked if they need to grind the fender brace...
folder.png Tools
folder.png Shop Tools
page.png Inexpensive Bike Stand
Reprinted by Permission from FatBike These plans differ from the plans found on the Harley site to accommodate our larger bike. My stand is incredibly sturdy and the bike does not move at all. The plans are as follows:    Purchase 3...
page.png Motorcycle Wheel Balancing Stands (how to make)
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips They are separate as to be able to adjust for different width wheels. The distance from the bottom of the axle to the top of the 2 X 4" bottom support, is 16 1/2". The rear wheel of the Road Star...
page.png The $6 Wheel Alignment Jig
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips With 20,000 miles on BlackMagic I'll bet I have screwed around with the rear wheel alignment 40 times in 2 years. I just could not get it right since having new tires installed and losing the...
folder.png Transmission/Clutch
folder.png Clutch
page.png How to install the Barnett Clutch with new Oil Pump Gear
I‘m from Germany so please excuse my English and the spelling. The following procedure is a combination of the Information I gathered from the RoadStar Forum and from the way I did it. I recommend to study the applicable sections in the maintenance...
page.png The Weakest Link Between your Throttle and the Pavement
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips A number of riders have asked me why their troublesome clutch slips in the higher gears, but not usually (or as badly) in lower gears. It seems obvious to them that, since acceleration is strongest...
folder.png Wheels/Rims
folder.png Maintenance
page.png Rear Wheel Alignment Jigs and Gadgets
Introduction After seeing that my Road Star was going to require periodic wheel alignment, I decided to make it simpler and quicker for me to get more accurate and consistent results. First I checked on some of the online Road Star forums. I found...
page.png Rear Wheel Alignment
Introduction Tire changes, belt changes, and swing arm maintenance are just a few of the reasons belt adjustment and rear wheel-alignment are part of Road Star ownership. By learning to do it yourself, you can save some cash, and make sure the...
page.png Wheel Removal and Installation
Introduction There are many reasons to remove one or both of the wheels on your Road Star: mounting new tires, changing the drive belt, or tending to your wheel bearings -- to name a few. Even if you have a professional mechanic doing wheel/tire...
folder.png Windshield
folder.png Windshields
page.png Bucks Sideshields, "A nice add-on"
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips I think we all enjoy riding in comfort. Check out the number of accessories that are available which increase rider comfort.  Windshields, lowers (especially Bucks!), handgrips,...
page.png Trim your Windshield: A Cut Above
Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips So you ordered the wrong height windshield, and now you have to sit on a pillow to see over the top?  Well good friend, let's try to fix that. Following is a method we all can...
folder.png Other Items
folder.png Potential Problems
page.png Failed Parts to Watch for
Frame shock mount : This has happened several times so it is an area you want to pay attention to for periodic inspections. Inspect from underneath bike between rear wheel and engine. ...
folder.png Computer Tips
Although not about Road Star's, this section of our website provides valuable tips on use of our computers.  Not a lot here yet, but we suspect more may become available as time goes by....
folder.png Safe Computing
page.png Do You Practice Safe Computing?
Keep your computer running smoothKeeping your computer running smooth and free of viruses and other nasties to me is as important as keeping your Road Star running smooth and free of problems. The purpose of this article is to give you the tools and...
folder.png Main Menu
folder.png Home
folder.png News
Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read....
folder.png Custom Builders
page.png Intro to BMS Choppers and Sam Nehme
Take a look at this bike. I have never seen anything like it, at any bike show, anywhere. Having seen this bike in person, I can tell you that the pictures do it no justice. Its an unbelievable work of art, with so many examples of one off engineering...
folder.png Latest
page.png Long live www.roadstarclinic.com!
The Road Star Clinic lives on! With huge thanks to several members of our existing membership, and in cooperation with the good people at Rock River Powersports, the clinic now has a solid future. The larger collective membership has been supporting...
page.png End of an Era, RSC to Close Down Soon.
This has been a very sad note to pen, but we will soon need to shut down the Road Star Clinic. It has been a great run, and we have created one of the very best motorcycle forums in existence. Our example of "respect first" has been adopted by many...
page.png Motorcyle Killer - Spread the word
This man runs down motorcyclists for sport. Intentionally. As reported today in our forum: Details from forum I believe he is being charged with aggravated assault among other charges. I went to the bank yesterday morning, left and went...
page.png Registration Closed
As a new RoadStar Clinic site has been initiated, registration for this site is now discontinued. Information regarding registration for the new site can be obtained here .... RSC ...
page.png NEW - Engine Tear Down Series Articles
Complete Documentation of a Big Bore Project! Today we are releasing a new series of articles on the Clinic that document a complete engine tear down and reassembly. Randy Fox (associate Publisher here at the Clinic) decided to go big bore on his...
page.png Getting blocked on login?
We recently combined two of our user databases into one for the new website. In process a few users were inadvertently marked as blocked! Unfortunately, users who have never verified their email addresses are also marked as blocked, so we don't have...
page.png New Server is up!
We finally got all the upgrades done, and its a long long list. There is no code left from the original server at all, its all been replaced. Since this is all new, we are bound to find a bug or two, please keep me informed. I am still working on...
page.png Server Problems
Folks, Our sincerest apologies for the outages during the last day or so.  We have been experiencing server problems that are directly related to the number of folks trying to access our website.  We have simply outgrown our server (again)...
page.png New Company:Dragger Seats
We have been in contact with a relatively new manufacturer for a little while now, and wanted to pass this on. For those of us who go in for the lean minimized look, the only real option for seats out there has traditionally been Looney Seats.  These...
page.png Unfortunate Change at Tidyville...
Most of you already know that the Road Star Clinic keeps a copy of Mr Tidy's original website here on our server.  It is at http://tidyville.roadstarclinic.com. We keep this website as a tribute to the incredible work and inspiration of Mr. Tidy...
page.png Correction to Front Suspension Maintenance and Upgrade article
We recently found that important information had been omitted from our article on "Front Suspension Maintenance and Upgrades" article : http://roadstarclinic.com/content/view/143/128/ The orginal article only covered the oil level being...
page.png New Comment System for Tech Tips Section
We have just finished integrating a new comment system into our tech tips library. You can now add your own comments into any of our tech tips articles at the bottom of the page (you must be logged in to add a comment). This is intended for folks...
page.png Competition: Is Someone Else Making Your Choices for You
Competition: Is Someone Else Making Your Choices for You? This is a tough subject, and one that I am somewhat reluctant to pen this article about. But it is one that needs to be brought to the forefront if we as consumers are going to continue to...
page.png Profile of a Pioneer - Goodbye to a Brother
On March 5th 2005, motorcycling lost one of their most active and passionate ambassadors: Ozzie “Oz” Menconi. Ozzie succumbed to pancreatic cancer after a 5-year battle with chronic liver disease. He was born August 26th, 1949 in Chicago, IL. and served...
page.png User Registration for New Classifieds Section
In case you missed our announcement, use of the new Classifieds section (as a member) on the clinic requires filling in the Contact Information section of your profile. Members who joined the clinic before we released this new section will need to use...
page.png New Classifieds Section Now Open
We finally completed the work we needed to do to integrate our new classified section. We appreciate everyone's patience with us on this one. To maximize convenience for the members of the clinic, this section has been set up to know who the existing...
page.png Notice to America On Line (AOL) Users
EDIT NOTE:We have made some changes to accomodate our AOL users. If you are an AOL user and still cannot get logged in properly, please contact us via the "Contact Us" option on the main menu and let us know. We are currently making improvements to...
page.png Problems logging in? Read more here....
Just a quick note, for those who may be experiencing difficulties logging in after 2/7/05. EDIT NOTE:We just made a small change to our new system, that should take care of the cookie related problem referenced below. Before deleting your files and...
page.png Best Road Star Gallery on the web??
For those who may be new to this community, or those who just don't know about this site yet, we recommend that you take the time to go to Midnight Ride Custom Cycles and look around. Started in 2001, this site has one of the best Road Star Galleries...
page.png Small site changes
Folks: We have just made a few changes to the website that allow it to load a little faster. We are very interested in making it load even faster, but need to get as much input as we can in this process to ensure that it continues to provide the...
page.png Welcome to the new Road Star Clinic!!
Its been a long time coming, but its finally here.  To better facilitate the extraordinary response we have recieved on this website, we found we needed to comletely redesign the foundation from the ground up.  This gave us an opportunity to...
page.png Web Site changes
I just wanted to take a few minutes and outline the changes to the website, and the reasons for making them. As the Road Star Clinic grew, the administrative tasks required for its continued operation grew with it.  Originally founded as an archive...
page.png Quick Forum Tutorial
The forum on the new Road Star Clinic is pretty good, but not intuitive for folks who have not used BB style forums. We are working on sprucing up the interface a little to help with that, but in the meantime here are some of the things you can do...
page.png Looking for all Garage Days!!
We would like to start promoting all the local Garage days we can find.  One of the goals for the clinic is to have a section devoted to garage days and the participants. If you are thinking of having a Garage day, please contact us.  We are...
folder.png FAQ
From the list below choose one of our FAQs topics, then select an FAQ to read. If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us....
folder.png Road Star Clinic Products
Repository of current FAQs from the Road Star Clinic that pertain to their products...
page.png Road Star Clinic Ported Manifold FAQ
Road Star Clinic Manifold Porting FAQ  Edit Note:  The Road Star Clinic has stopped producing ported manifolds.  We have elected to leave this FAQ in the clinic's tech articles due to its informational content. What is “porting”?...
page.png Our Mission
The Road Star Clinic serves as a repository for all acquirable information about the Yamaha Road Star motorcycle. We seek to fulfill the role of Library and Archive for this global community of riders. Our goal is to disseminate this information to...
folder.png Footer
page.png Privacy Policy
page.png Terms of Service
page.png Spam Policy
page.png Report Abuse
folder.png unpubmenu
folder.png Star Web Directory
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From the Coders at RoadStarClinic.com
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The Road Star Clinic is a collaborative community of riders who archive and publish user contributed technical data about Yamaha Road Star motorcycles.

Copyright 2003-2007 Road Star Clinic and its respective authors.
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