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Motorcyle Killer - Spread the word

User Rating: / 33
Written by Gram   
Friday, 06 September 2013

This man runs down motorcyclists for sport. Intentionally.


As reported today in our forum:
Details from forum

I believe he is being charged with aggravated assault among other charges.

I went to the bank yesterday morning, left and went to 'go around the block', an 18ish mile trip, 99% two lane black top.

As soon as I left the bank noticed a car come kind of close, proceeded down the road to the T, and made my turn, onto another two lane road, shoulderless (sloping grass with lots of rain lately). Anyway, guy does the get close thing a few times, I light up the brake lights in hopes of waking him to his closeness. There are vehicles in front of me, and oncoming too. They guy does like he's going to pass but can't because of oncoming traffic, gets back behind me close and goes side to side in the lane, hanging toward the right side. at about 1 1/2 miles down the road after my turn, where it is just straight, he nails me from behind while I'm doing about 50ish and my back wheel locks up, so I skid 170 feet to a stop, fishtailing keeping the bike in my lane while oncoming is right there, no roller coaster ride compares. I got the bike to a stop upright and quick called 911. Before they could answer a sheriff in oncoming pulls up, and I tell him the guy hit me, and did it on purpose.

Bike is damaged fender support brows and brake turn signals, tire is surely smoked. The guy went to jail as I chose to prosecute him. I told the Sheriff deputies to look at the front end of his Infinity G35 as it has multiple areas of front end damage, that this isn't his first one.

I'm still waiting to be fixed from my January red light rear ender with herniated disc/sspinal injuries.

No lesson here, just that there are people out there who will try to kill you for no reason whatever, other than you are on a bike.

Editor note: Lesson learned. Please spread the word, particularly in south Florida where this happened.



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