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The Flip: Lower your Roadstar the Fatbike way...

User Rating: / 75
Written by Fatbike   
Thursday, 10 June 2004

These are photos of a bike before it was lowered...B4Profile.jpg (100516 bytes) B4Profile2.jpg (82592 bytes) 
Click on a photo to enlarge.  (Bike courtesy of Father Dave.)

OK, so it's not really MY way, but it is definitely the way that I prefer.  The method below is virtually free, requires nothing more than some time, tools and a bench grinder and drops the bike up to 3 inches lower in the rear.  Removing, grinding and reinstalling the relay arm is all that it takes.

So here it is, complete with photo's;

By Fatbike <--Click here to email Fatbike

Reprinted by Permission from FatBike

These are photos of a bike before it was lowered...B4Profile.jpg (100516 bytes) B4Profile2.jpg (82592 bytes) 
Click on a photo to enlarge.  (Bike courtesy of Father Dave.)

1st you should remove the rear wheel.  Some have removed the relay arm without doing this but you will probably want to remove the wheel for a couple of reasons.  You will need to size up the relay arm in it's new position a couple of times while you are grinding the arm and this is much easier if you have easy access to the area.  Also you will now know how to remove the wheel when it comes to other service that you may do (New tires, bearing lubrication, belt maintenance etc...).

FenderOff.jpg (74688 bytes) WheelOff.jpg (77792 bytes) Click on a photo to enlarge.

Once you have the ABS Plastic Suspension guard removed you will see the relay arm connected to the shock, stationary arms and swing-arm.

RelayInBike.jpg (77464 bytes) Click on  photo to enlarge.

Remove the top nut/bolt first, then the bottom, removing the middle nut/bolt last.  The middle bolt is longer than the others and requires a little manipulation to get it out.  

Once you have the relay arm out B4Relay.jpg (92278 bytes) B4RelayClose.jpg (96999 bytes) Click on a photo to enlarge. 
you will see that what is necessary is to turn the relay arm around so that the rear of the relay arm is in the front, thereby making the offset negative, rather than positive.  The only problem is that the relay arm is designed to clear the shock only when installed the way that it came out.  This is why grinding the arm is necessary.  You will be grinding the area that was once opposite the shock until, upon installing the relay arm in it's new position, all of the bolt holes line up.

The area that has been reshaped will look like this...AfterRelay.jpg (54603 bytes) AfterRelay2.jpg (81107 bytes) Click on a photo to enlarge.

You will be checking the relay arm alignment from time-to-time to see how the piece lines up.  Once all of the bolts can be successfully reinstalled, you can reassemble the components.

The end result is a lower bike that now looks much more proportioned as well as more aggressive, wider and with a rear fender that is stuffed full of tire!

AProfile.jpg (84948 bytes) AProfile2.jpg (86600 bytes) ARearProfile.jpg (87808 bytes) ARPRofile.jpg (79861 bytes)

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DISCLAIMER: This information and procedure is provided as a courtesy and is for informational purposes only.  Neither the publishers nor the authors accept any responsibility for the accuracy, applicability, or suitability of this procedure.  You assume all risks associated with the use of this information.  NEITHER THE PUBLISHERs NOR THE AUTHORs SHALL IN ANY EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OF ANY NATURE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION OR LACK OF INFORMATION.  Any type of modification or service work on your motorcycle should always be performed by a professional mechanic. If performed incorrectly, this procedure may endanger the safety of you and others on your motorcycle and possibly invalidate your manufacturer’s warranty.

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  Comments (10)
Belt Problems
Written by MickeyGee66, on 09-09-2016 23:16
After I finished bobbing a Road Star I bought that had sat for a total of close to 2 years when I pulled I the clutch and clicked into first gear (kick stand up( it kicked into gear and jumped ahead ! I tried a couple times and it did the same thing each time. So we figured the clutch was stuck and rolled it out on a slight down hill and with it running pulled in the clutch and put it in first gear when I pulled in the clutch and shifted to 2nd the belt broke any ideas of what is going on with my clutch ??? Also what Harley belt fits ?
Written by MickeyGee66, on 07-22-2015 19:22
Do I need to change the width of my stock back rim to change to a 180 rear tire It currently has a 150?
Awesome and SIMPLE
Written by AkYammy, on 03-04-2013 18:40
This was awesome, Thanks!!! the bikes stance matches its appeearance. :grin
Written by e.zack4, on 01-12-2013 18:49
Was very, very easy! Thanks for the help, got it done in a couple of hours and so far no problems with scrubbing. I'm pretty sure this would be just as easy without a lift too.
Written by road rider, on 09-07-2012 08:31
last year while on tour I broke the rear belt {after 12 years}and found out the harley belts fit and are much cheaper
Awesome free mod!!
Written by geoholl, on 08-23-2012 22:49
Earlier this year I changed the shock spring, 6'1" 260.. I had to adjust the headlight because it raised the rear so much.. did the flip a few weeks back and all I can say is wow!! I have scraped my foot rest just a couple times but the ride is so much better with a lower center of gravity.. and it only cost me an hour or so, I just wish I had read about the mod when I had the shock out..lol
Written by Ponch, on 07-23-2012 14:34
Question. Maybe a newbie DA question, but here it goes: 
After doing the flip, does the belt tension have to be readjusted? Does the flip have any effect on it?
1 word... WOW
Written by pbirk, on 07-08-2012 11:35
done it short order by a tool deprived newbe. 
Written by Rd2d57, on 11-19-2011 16:33
Did the flip yesterday thanks so much for info it was easy and since I'm only 5'5" it put me flat footed again for free.
Written by Oldsguy1, on 09-22-2011 21:09
Did the flip and added the progressive spring. Dropped bike 2 1/8 inch. That is too much for a lot of corners. I scraped the frame a few times with and without a passenger. Now did a back-flip or flip-back, whatever and obviously kept the progressive spring in. Now about a 3/8 inch drop and all rides well, so far.....just updating, nothing more... 

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