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Front Master Cylinder Ratio Chart

User Rating: / 23
Written by Michael   
Friday, 11 June 2004

Front Master Cylinder Ratio Chart

Reprinted by Permission from VintageBrake.com

Front Master Cylinder Ratio Chart

While attending Vintage Days West, and thoroughly enjoying it, I was reminded that many of the people I had occasion to talk to, lacked an understanding of the importance of master cylinder to wheel cylinder ratios. This critical ratio is of paramount importance in determining "feel". It has been my experience that there is a "sweet spot" in the range. I like ratios in the 27:1 range-2 finger power brakes, feeling some line and/or caliper flex. 23:1 is at the other end of the spectrum-firm. Ratios lower than 20:1 can result a feel so "wooden" as to have a toggle switch effect: nothing happens until the wheel locks. Disc and wheel diameters must be taken into consideration. A 10 inch disc working against an 19" wheel just doesn't have the leverage ratio that a 13 inch disc working a 17" wheel does. The hand lever ratio counts too: witness the adjustable master cylinders from Lockheed and Brembo.

A case in point: I had a complaint from a racer about Ferodo CP901- a compound renown for its great feel. His comment was that they worked poorly until the wheel locked. He had been thrown on the ground twice. Intrigued, I inquired as to the application. "Yamaha RD350" he replied. A red flag went up. CP901 was not available for the 48mm Yamaha caliper. I asked "How that could that be?" He had up-graded his braking system with the premier 41mm Lockheed unit, but was unaware that a master cylinder change was in order. A stock RD 350 has an already marginal ratio of 23.5 :1, and with Lockheed, became an unhealthy 17.2 :1. The "sweet spot" formula said a change to a 12mm master cylinder was in order, just to maintain the previous ratio, and my recommendation would have been an 11mm. He was able to switch to a 1/2" , and although not ideal, he was keeping the rubber side down. 

For 2 piston opposed calipers, I like ratios in the 27:1 range, feeling some line and caliper flex. For a firmer lever, use 23:1. I think ratios lower than 23:1 produce a lever feel so "wooden" as to have little, if any feel.

Combine "low" leverage ratios with sticky pads, and unpredictable lockup is the result. The high effort required at the lever also results in undesired input to the bars. 98% of my customers love the 27:1 ratio feel. However, there are a few racers, and very good ones I might add, that are uncomfortable with a slightly mushy lever. In 2004, 2 hotly-contested classes at Vintage Daytona were won by customers using 20:1 ratios. Top level modern racers will typically have a range of master cylinders, bled and ready to change on hand, depending on track conditions, pad compound, and rotor diameter and material. This truly is a rider preference item. Single piston calipers are much happier in the 14:1 to 12:1 range. Disc and wheel diameters, as well as hand lever ratios, must be considered.


Michael "Mercury" Morse


Front Master Cylinder to Wheel Cylinder 
Ratio Chart


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  Comments (4)
Written by ridinsober96, on 11-19-2015 21:17
5 years ago when I put the stainless braided lines in the bike, front and back, I noticed the fronts are much more difficult to pull.. don't usually worry about it when Im riding. but after looking at the chart. which I was hoping someone would help me with. leads me to believe I should have changed the MC.. I have the stocker on their now, the MC and the brakes and banjo bolts.. any help you could supply would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.. ride safe out there.
PM 6 Piston Front caliper
Written by BOBJO, on 10-11-2015 04:47
Just installed a single, PM 6 piston front calliper on left side only . Using stock RS master cylinder and custom steel braided brake line . Brake lever is extremely hard when applying brake, brake does work but not very well . Anyone using same set up and had the same problem ?  
Thank you
front brake noise
Written by huskerbob, on 01-09-2009 19:19
:cry is their anything you can do about the criket noise that lingers after you use the front brakes ?
frontebd shake
Written by 56star, on 11-18-2008 06:03
The first time I had to hit the brakes extremely hard felt the rubber peel off,service manager said that I cupped the tire,I could believe that.New tire,3000 miles same thing.Any thing suggested?

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