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Road King Crash Bars on a Road Star

User Rating: / 17
Written by Tom Bishop   
Thursday, 10 June 2004
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 Reprinted by Permission of RoadStarMagazine.com

After several months of searching for a viable highway/crash bar I was still undecided.  The only thing I had seen on a motorcycle that I really liked was the setup on the Road King. I was goofing off on EBay one day and did a search on motorcycle accessories which led me to a set of Y2K Road King bars which I bid on and won for $125.  I figured that if I could not make them work I could always resell them on EBay.

Installing the bars

  • I began the project by setting my Silverado atop the home made motorcycle stand I made with the aid of Tidy's Tips site.
  • I then fabbed a pair of mounting brackets which attached through the same holes as the floorboard brackets. I left about a inch and a half extra to mount the bar to.  The material used was 2" wide stainless bar stock.
  • I "hung" the bars by drilling a hole through the top bracing above the rectifier and using a stainless attachments. A series of fender washers between the top bar mount and the frame allowed the bar to be rigid, have support and avoid touching the motorcycle frame crossbars.
  • After hanging the bars, I simply marked and drilled the two mounting holes in the brackets for the bar's lower mounts.

Road King Bars on a Yamaha Road Star

A machine shop cut the arches I drew on the brackets (to better fit the highway bar) with a plasma cutter.  Stainless is amazingly hard stuff!

Plasma Cut Bracket

Stainless bolts, washers and nuts were used in all applications.

Comments:  The Yamaha Big Bars look good from the pictures I have seen on the forum and I did consider a pair of them.  The Cobra bars I looked at were one dimensional and did not have the curve/flair look I wanted, the look the HD Road King has, Cobra's cost more too.

Earlier, I had very good luck scoring a set of HD Heritage softail classic saddlebags off the internet and fabbed my own brackets for them.  They turned out so good, that I thought I would do the HD  highway bar as well.  I am glad I did.  I hope that these few pictures aid those who consider this mod.  It is worth your time and effort.

Tom Bishop
April 2003

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  Comments (7)
Highway Bars
Written by Rodster, on 06-21-2012 20:36
I just bought an 06 Road Star Silerado 1700, I am looking for a couple of things if anyone knows anyone or if they have them and would like to sell them !Hwy Bars and the trim that goes around the tail light. Thanks
What exhaust system
Written by scottie409, on 04-23-2012 16:23
In your lower picture of the bars it looks as if you have stainless flexpipe for exhaust. What is it:
Road king roll bars.
Written by tanker011eddie, on 01-10-2012 11:49
Hi Tom ,The little pic of the bars look great.I've put Harley '71 shovel bags on my '03,'75 ultra fairing, I have '85 roadking hardbag guards but haven't figured how to mount them.Any ideas.Im haveing trouble navigateing the site (new to 'puters).Thanks in advance...Ed
Written by scottdiorio, on 02-18-2010 22:45
just wanted to know how long should the metal be for bottom brackets
Will they work?
Written by easyrider003, on 11-14-2009 09:45
I have a set of cobra fatty crash bars on my 05 roadstar. Will a set of 1996-2009 lowers fit this crash bar? If not, Do I have to have the 2000 model crash bar since the are flaired out more at the bottom? Any other info you can give me to make these fairings work would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Michael
Written by ditusa, on 08-03-2007 12:18
I have a question not about the bars. I just purchased a set of Heritage saddle bags that I want to install on my 2004 Roadstar. Would you mind sharing any info you have about the instatllation including photos if you took any. 
Ps; I just became a member of this site an hour ago and this is my first correspondence. 
RoadKing Engine Guards
Written by desertpearl9, on 08-05-2005 05:26
Will they fit with lower windshield deflectors? 

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