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Assembling and Installing the Transfer Case

User Rating: / 4
Written by Randy Fox   
Saturday, 03 November 2007


transfer case, Yamaha Road Star

This article is one of a series that describes how to disassemble, work on, and reassemble the Road Star engine. This particular document tells how to reassemble and install the transfer case. See the Complete Engine Tear Down, Orientation article in this website for details.

Be sure you refer to the service manual through all phases of this project.



Initial Tasks

Note: This document assumes the transfer case has been disassembled. If your's was not, you will need to read carefully, to determine which instructions you can skip.

Tip: I ignored the service manual's directions to assemble the gears and chain into the transfer case prior to mounting it into the frame. Aligning the drive gear on the shaft might be a little easier using the manual's way, but I feel that the case gets too heavy and unwieldy. Also, bending the locking washer tabs on the drive axle becomes more difficult.

Tip: I also ignored the service manual's directions to remove the battery box, and to install the transfer case without the oil-tank cover. Instead, I chose to drop the front end of the rear shock down. This allowed me to leave the battery wiring alone, and to put the oil-tank cover on before installing the transfer case.

Before installing the transfer case, press in a new middle driven shaft oil seal, if the old one was removed from the transfer case housing--perhaps for powdercoating or repair. This is the rubber seal for the front drive pulley area.

To seat the seal fully in, you will need a bearing press, or a bearing punch and a hammer, or a very large socket and a hammer. Be careful not to damage the seal as you drive it home. If using a hammer/socket, you can use a rag to protect the seal's surface, but don’t hit too hard.

If not already done, press in a new drive axle oil seal, if the old one was removed. It goes toward the rear of the right-side crankcase, where the transmission drive axle comes out. This is the rubber seal that separates the engine oil from the transfer case oil. Use the same technique for installation as the middle driven shaft oil seal above. See later photo.

Take picts.

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