I’ve seen several instructional articles about lowering your Road Star. The ones I’ve read all require you to remove the rear fender, wheel, and splash panel. I don’t remove anything but the shock assembly when I do a lowering job. The grinding portion is fine, but my way to remove the shock assembly can save you a lot of time. Here’s my method to remove the shock assembly.
Refer to the picture at the bottom while following this.
- Jack the bike up and make sure it is secure from falling.
- Remove the rear horn.
- Remove nuts 16 and 36. This will require a 17mm socket.
- Have an assistant move the rear wheel up and down to relieve pressure on bolts 15 and 35 and remove them. Make sure your assistant does not let the wheel down while your fingers are in there. They will get pinched or crushed.
- Rotate the shock assembly, front first, from under the bike.

Now go grind and flip the relay as shown in the attached link.
You can trial fit the relay arm on the bench. No need to keep fitting in the frame. Just make sure you have about 1/16th inch clearance on the shock eye when it’s back together.
Reassemble the shock and reinstall in the reverse order above. Now go drink a beer. You deserve it.
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flip lowering Written by mousedog, on 07-07-2015 19:19 My name is Amedee i live in Gilford NH.I Just bought a used 2002 midnight star road star 1600. Love the bike, but was a bit tall for me a good deal is a good deal, so wanted to lower it some in the back, saw this way and just tried it and WOW what a difference, i am just shy of flat footed now. lower seat on order and soon will be flat on the ground. i am so glad i found this sight you all have some great ideas and tips thanks allot.BEST OF ALL THE LOWERING WAS FREE.. |
This is a GREAT look and improvement! Written by Road Ace, on 06-22-2014 11:37 I've only had my '04 Road Star for about a year and a half. Just got done doing this flip, and I love it! It's easy to do. Took me just over an hour, and that includes taking a couple of breaks. And, I didn't have an assistant, so I took it on by myself, with the help of a small bottle jack and some small pieces of wood to get the swing arm at the right position, and line up the bolt holes during re-installation. The bike looks great, and has a beautiful stance now. Also, I'm more flat-footed at stops. I'd highly recommend this method if you're going to do the flip. Thanks for providing excellent instructions and pictures! Couldn't have been any easier. |
Thanks Written by mbourbeau12, on 01-05-2014 17:12 Did the flip today, but I wont be able to riding it till later this week if work schedule permits. Living in NC my bike is not put up to often unless work is an issue. Thanks Bobo |
What the flip! Written by bikerdude53, on 07-22-2013 15:05 Hello to all - I am a long time biker but new to the RoadStar. I have a 2003 1600. The bike has been lowered in the rear and it looks like the shock has been installed backwards with the coil portion pointing towards the front of the bike and pointing uphill. I am 6'3" and 230 lbs, needless to say I am bottoming out. I think the previous owner flipped my shock. Can anyone guide me in what to look for to tell if this is the case and am I able to unflip? Sorry I am not able to upload photos, techincally challanged, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you ever so much Kinda frustrated in Gilbert, Arizona PS - A special thank you to all those fine folks who xtended such a warm welcome last week. Much appreciated! |
1 word... WOW!!!!!!! Written by pbirk, on 07-08-2012 11:37 done it short order by a tool deprived newbe. flat footed with room to spare. sweet!! THANK YOU!!!! |
Sweet-n-low Written by heavymetal, on 05-29-2012 11:02 Great article.Took about an hour,and looks great!!!! |
Just finished! Written by jusher03, on 10-01-2011 13:13 Did the flip, best thing I've done to my bike. Looks great, much more comfy. Thanks for the tip! |
Written by bruce270, on 05-02-2011 08:41 can u ride ur bike if it is lowered all the way down? or will it mess something up? |
Love it Written by Joshuamk, on 03-14-2011 14:30 Great mod. Looks so good. I took off the Tire guard to have easier access to the top bolts but did not have to remove the tire. |
Help me understand Written by Joshuamk, on 03-04-2011 15:18 What is this flip and grind doing to the bike? Is it holding the suspension in a compressed state thereby lowering the rear? Is there any long term negatives this mod could pose? If you ever wanted to go back to stock could you just buy a new part and reinstal it right side up? Thanks. |
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