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Motorcycle Wheel Balancing Stands (how to make)

User Rating: / 36
Written by Mr Tidy   
Friday, 11 June 2004

Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips

They are separate as to be able to adjust for different width wheels. The distance from the bottom of the axle to the top of the 2 X 4" bottom support, is 16 1/2". The rear wheel of the Road Star is approx 13" from axle center to the edge of the tire, this with a 160/80-16 tire.  The stand should be fine for most motorcycle wheels.

The cost is approx $20 to $30, give or take a few bucks, depending on what you have on hand and what you should be able to scrounge for free from a sheet metal shop or scraps your friends have. I personally think you can build it closer to the $20 buck level as I did. The bearings being the most expensive parts at $17.00, if you have a source for some bearings the stands could be build for virtually nothing.

The main piece of the balancer is a 2"X 2" by 3 1/2" long piece of 80 thousands thick metal angle. (obtained from metal building supplier) The holes to mount the bearings are 3/8" dia. they are 1 1/4" apart and centered, 1/4" down from the top edge. The bearings are held on the bracket with 3/8" hex cap screws, 3/4" in length and hex nuts.
List of parts.
2 ea (A)  13 1/2" wood 2 X 4
2 ea (B)  4" X  9" piece of 1/4" plywood
2 ea (C)  8" piece of wood 2 X 4
2 ea (D) 2" metal angle 3 1/2" long

(4 ea) 1614-DCSR12 bearings. The bearings are 3/8"ID, 1 1/8"OD.  Actually you can purchase any size in this approximate size range just change your hole locations to accommodate the different sized bearings.

(4ea) 3" long sheetrock screws

(8ea) 1/12"long sheetrock screws

To build center item "C" to item "A" and attach using 2, 3" long sheetrock screws.

Notch out Item "B" to fit over base "C" and attach with 2, 1 1/2" sheetrock screws.

Drill 2, 1/8" holes in bottom of 2" metal angel and place bearing side flush with edge of item "A" and attach with 2, 1 1/2" sheetrock screws..

using 2, 3/4" cap screws attach bearings to 2" metal angle, notice in the second picture I ground out a small area at the area inbetween the bearing mount holes, this to give plenty of clearance for axle if needed.

This project is a pretty simple deal, the purpose of the bearings is mainly due to grease seals that are on some wheels and cause drag. The bearing cradles reduce most any friction to allow a easy balance of your wheel.

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DISCLAIMER: This information and procedure is provided as a courtesy and is for informational purposes only.  Neither the publishers nor the authors accept any responsibility for the accuracy, applicability, or suitability of this procedure.  You assume all risks associated with the use of this information.  NEITHER THE PUBLISHERs NOR THE AUTHORs SHALL IN ANY EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OF ANY NATURE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION OR LACK OF INFORMATION.  Any type of modification or service work on your motorcycle should always be performed by a professional mechanic. If performed incorrectly, this procedure may endanger the safety of you and others on your motorcycle and possibly invalidate your manufacturer’s warranty.

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  Comments (1)
To: Mr Tidy
Written by hap, on 07-10-2008 23:23
Can I get you to make me a Motorcycle Wheel Balancing Stand just like the one in this picture: http://roadstarclinic.com/content/view/83/  
Would I be able to place it on my concrete parking space & just drive my 85 Gold Wing right into it to keep in standing centered? 
Kindly email me back at ricc@shaw.ca  
Thank you

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