New Classifieds Section Now Open
Written by Road Star Clinic Staff
Wednesday, 09 February 2005 |
We finally completed the work we needed to do to integrate our new classified section.
We appreciate everyone's patience with us on this one.
To maximize convenience for the members of the clinic, this section has been set up to know who the existing members of the clinic are. However, to use it as a registered member (and not as a guest), you will need to update your user profile. You can do so from the "Edit Profile" link under your user menu
on the front page of the clinic.
Here are some things we would like you to know about the new classifieds section:
- Basic listings, photo uploads, and photo previews are free. Thanks
to the folks at MaxAir engineering for their donation to help cover the cost
of these items for a limited period of time.
- If you use PayPal, you can list an item with a buy it now option.
You will need to insert your PayPal user email address in the appropriate
location when setting up your ad. If someone wishes to purchase your
item, they will have the option to pay for it from the ad itself.
Selecting that option will take them to PayPal, and give them a chance to send
you the amount you have listed your item for. If they send you that
amount, our system will receive a transaction acknowledgement and will close
your ad automatically (assuming that the ad is for one item only - if it is
for more than one item, it will close when the transaction that correlates to
the last item is received).
- We have set up a few basic categories. One is for bikes, containing
"Road Star", "Yamaha", and "other". Yamaha contains categories for
Yamaha bikes that are not Road Stars. The "Other" section is where
you should list bikes that are not Yamaha brand. We have similarly setup
a section for accessories. There will be (and are) other sections, we
invite you to take a look around.
- The classifieds system main page will contain ads for items that sellers
have elected to feature on the classifieds home page. Each section will
contain items at the top that sellers have taken the option to "category
feature" listed at the top, followed by that categories normal listings.
- The menu at the left will have the breakdown (if one exists) for the
specific category you are in. You can return to the main page at any
time by clicking on "classifieds" link on the upper left side of the page
where you see this "Location > Home > Classifieds". Above the listings
for each section there will be a path with each descending section listed in
it. These are links you can use to navigate that section.
- The classifieds section uses a feedback system that will allow you to see
what other folks who have done business with someone thought of their
transactions. It is keyed to activate whenever someone uses PayPal to
pay for an item. Doing so will allow both the seller, and the buyer, to
leave feedback on one another. At this time, only transactions that use
the PayPal option will activate feedback. If you want o accrue feedback
so others will have a good reference for you, you will need to use the PayPal
option on items you sell, or buy items that have the PayPal logo listed at the
- The "My Account" link at the top center of the page (Just below the "Road
Star Clinic" logo) will take you to a page with pertinent information about
your account. You must be logged in to access this feature. If you
are not you will be given an opportunity to log in there. Members of the
clinic who have not added their "Contact Information" to their profiles will
not be able to access the "My Account" section. It will just log you in
as a guest, and return you to the same login screen.
- If you are logged in, you will able to add items for sale to your "circled
items" list. You can access this list of items from your "My Account"
- If a seller is accepting offers on an item (and you are not a guest), you
will have a box at the bottom of the listing that will allow you to send the
seller an offer. The offer will be sent internally from your username to
his/hers. They will be able to access any pending offers from their "My
Accounts" screen, and will also receive an email notifying them that someone
has made an offer on their item.
- If you wish to ask to ask the seller a question (and again, you are logged
in and not a guest) there will be a box at the bottom of each listing which
will allow you to ask the seller your question. Filling in the box, and
submitting it, will send an internal email to the sellers username, from your
username, and send them an email notification that someone has asked a
question about their item.
- Listings will not contain direct contact information (to protect you).
If someone wants to ask a question, make an offer, or purchase an item, they
will need to be logged in to do so, and it will happen internally between your
two usernames (with appropriate notification of these events being emailed to
you from the clinic). When an item is sold, contact information will be
sent to both the buyer and seller about the other individual involved so that
they can complete the transaction. This will be in the form of an email
notification from the classifieds system.
- Some of the documentation, in particular the help oriented sections are
incomplete at this time. We are working as fast as we can to get them
completed. If you would like to figure something out and assist us in
this, please contact us via the "Contact Us" option under the main menu of the
clinic's front page.
Thanks to all again for your patience, we think this is going to be a great
addition to the clinic!
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