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Re:Logins will be disabled Thursday night (2/22)!!
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Baz64 (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 12 Hours ago  
From down under, thank you Gram and Doc. Also thanks to all the other members that have helped with advice whenever it was needed. See you guys in Version 2.
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davej (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 5 Hours ago  
I have to jump in here also and give a BIG THANK YOU to Gram,Docshadow and all of the Moderators of the past and present. The clinic has been a big part of my life since I joined in 2009 (apparent by my post count) I have met alot of really great people here and have socialized with others thru the forum that I haven't had the opportunity to meet in person. This place has also shown me that there are still a lot of good honest people in this world. When things get difficult in some peoples lives they have come here and poured their hearts out with trust in this group, When that has happened in the past their issues have always been met with compassion from the membership. Prayers have been sent to comfort many in times of tragedy and grief. Friendships and bonds have been made with members that would have otherwise never been made without this forum. I could go on and on but won't I will end by saying GOD BLESS ALL THAT HAVE MADE THIS PLACE GREAT!!!!!!

Hope to continue on the new RSC with all of you and I hope to see Gram, Docshadow and the rest of my friends there.
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smokescreens (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 5 Hours ago  
Thank you for creating this site. Its hard to see it go but at least bubba got a new one rolling. If it wasnt for this site i would have never even owned a road star. That is a big chunk of my life filled with great memories and new friendships. It pains me not to be on a road star anymore or a yamaha for that matter but when i needed a new bike yamaha didnt have what i wanted in my replacement. Though now they do go figure&#128542; either way i enjoyed this site just the same even though i am not on my roadie anymore. And in a way it feels like im about to give permission to pull the plug on a family member, and it sucks.

Thank you to gram and all the moderators that ran this forum for so many years and keeping it up with the class it did for so long. And gram enjoy your retirement and i would suggest a long road trip on your motorcycle abd see the country with all that free time you should have now.
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Last Edit: 2018/02/22 07:37 By smokescreens.
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Bullstang360 (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 5 Hours ago  
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Arps (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 4 Hours ago  
Thanks for everything!
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DocShadow (Admin)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 3 Hours ago  
It's been a long road since I started in 2004 but almost all of the time it has been enjoyable and it's you the members who have made it so. We established a few basic rules and your aherence to our philosophy and "self-policing" have made the staff's jobs easier. I thank you for that.

I never imagined that the RSC would become as popular as we have been. I believe it's due to the helpful and technical advice from the members; the never tiring responses to 'what oil should I use' goes a long way in furthering dialogue between new members. The timeliness of the responses encourages people to return.

I am happy to have been part of this community and glad to have been able to shared a drink, and a smoke , with some of you.

I hope the new RSC is as successful and wish everyone the best.

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CLOWN (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 3 Hours ago  
Thank you for every thing, This site has saved my RS from utter death many times. Even though I'm on the New site. I shall miss this one. Thanks again.
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boomerA (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 3 Hours ago  
I had been on the YMF after buying my first cruiser (a 650 Classic), when I eventually moved up to a Road Star, partially since my youngest brother had disparaged my riding a 950T while my best friend was riding one of his Harleys ("why don't you ride a REAL bike?".Experience with the help on YMF and a local service manager's reaction to my input from that forum led me to believe in the wisdom of the forums (in my words, " THEY have to know how to work on everything their company makes...forum members work on ONE model and, through trial-and-error, come up with the most knowledgeable fixes".
When a used 2007 RS1700 Midnight on consignment at my dealer was reduced in price, I felt it wouldn't last long at that price and traded in my 2009 950T for it instead of a 1999 Royal Star. My first ride on it (while paperwork was being processed) was a bit disappointing...as I told the salesman, it felt like it had square tires. The salesman took the bike back into service, and found that the tires were badly underinflated. The second test ride was much better, although the front tire was badly cupped, and the seller wouldn't spring for a new tire. I think I found and joined this clinic somewhere in that time period. I crashed that R* 48 days later (probable cause- target fixation... the only time I've wrecked and been taken to the hospital in an ambulance). Two weeks after the insurance company wrote the bike off, I had its replacement... same year, same color, just a bit less accessories (the first was a full-on Silverado- the replacement a slightly accessorized base model Midnight).
When purchased in July of 2013, the bike had 6,500 miles on it. Now it has 44,000, and through advice and recommendations from members of this wonderful forum, it has almost everything I want on it.
The YMF and another , non-motorcycle forum that I was on have died , and shortly after I reported the demise of the YMF on this forum, the announcement of Gram's shutting it down (for understandable reasons) I was beginning to think that I was the albatross from Silas Marner's epic. It is so fantastic that members of this great group have united in creating a way so that it can continue, in a different format. I greatly appreciate the efforts of Gram and the other administrators in maintaining the old forum, and likewise those who stepped up to create the new one. I will look forward to continuing our brother/sisterhood on the new site. Now sit back and rest, Gram!weird- when I typed the closing parentheses, it printed an emoji!
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Last Edit: 2018/02/22 09:40 By boomerA.
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RRSRoadstar1700 (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 3 Hours ago  
I've been here since 2013 and as you can tell by my post count, I'm not a real socialite. But I really thought I needed to thank everyone involved for developing and maintaining this original RSC and those that set up the new version 2. It's something you can take for granted, that the site is always here and free to use for most, but really someone has to be responsible to maintain this and it is probably a big chunk of someone's time to make this all possible. So thanks everyone and we'll see you on the new site.
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bruisercruiser (User)
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Re:Logins will be disabled tomorrow night (2/22)!! 1 Day, 3 Hours ago  
Thanks to everyone! I've had a lot of tips from this site. And of course thank you for building the beautiful bike for me! See you on the new RSC!
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