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Vent the stock Road Star Gas Cap

Written by Art Armfield (Tazman1602)   
Thursday, 10 February 2005

Vent that Stock Cap!

(but only if you have too – like all you nuts that just HAVE to put on a 42HSR Mikuni)

Here we’ve got the basic items we need to dis-assemble the stock cap:

Next we remove these two screws and the lock tab cover:

Now this is the part you want to pay attention to, be careful of the springs that are supposed to be located in the machined hole in the arm. In this case, the cap is that a friend of mine attempted to vent and totally screwed up. I had a good laugh on him.

As you can see here, he’d tried to masking tape the springs in place and on one of the arms had taped the spring to where is couldn’t even work – we’ll re-assemble a much easier way………….

Next off is the flat ring:

Then the spring plate:

Pay careful attention to the four gold colored springs and don’t lose them. Just pick them out and put them in a safe place; Around the pockets where the springs sit is where were looking for these little buggers:

We’re going to remove these with needle nose pliers or whatever you can get ahold of them with, they will not be going back in. UNDERNEATH these are some rubber plugs we need to dig out. I used a sharp punch and they popped right out. Here’s a pic of them:

The place these came out of should now look like this open to the atmosphere OMIGOD! SOMEONE CALL THE EPA!:

Now we begin re-assembly with the spings, spring plate, and washer. Refer to the prior pictures if you need to:

Now we’re going to put those lock tabs and springs back in and we’re going to do it the right way. What we’re gonna do is take some good old Vaseline, smear the spring cavities full and **gently** lay the arms on the cap making sure the recess in the end of the lock tab is seated in the projections pictured on top of the cap. If you have a doubt as to where they go, lay the end plate back on and look where the holes come out. Line up the arms accordingly. Here is a pic of the lock tabs in place with the springs held in place and resting where they should be. It will take a little pressing down on the top plate that the screws go through and “jiggling” a bit and then they will seat. At that point you can put the screws back in.

Above: The springs held in place with Vaseline

Above: The arms in proper position with springs in place – they are just “laying” there ready for the end cap to go on like this:

Remember, it may take a little “finessing” when you put the end cap back on but once the screws are tight again you’ve got a fully vented stock Road Star cap just waiting for that Mikuni Flat Slide! Don’t worry about the Vaseline, the gas will wash it out and if you’re really paranoid you can always spray some carb clean and WD40 it. Please check operation with your key to make sure the lock tabs FULLY retract or you will not be a very happy camper when you test fit the cap…………don’t ask how I know!


Here’s your new vented stock cap, the Mikuni will get all the gas it needs, and I’m SURE all of you that are making this mod specifically for off-road use.

Safe and Happy riding for all!

Art Armfield

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  Comments (10)
Written by YahMaHa, on 02-25-2013 15:33
This was a snap...thank you for the awesome instructions!!!
Excellent how-to...
Written by chromepony, on 08-19-2011 16:57
...worked like a charm. 8)
vent if still using fuel pump
Written by whitegold, on 04-24-2011 17:36
I have a 42 but haven't finished porting manifold yet. will install carb and manifold at the time of pingel. should I vent cap now to provent collasping tank syndrome? still learning.
Plugged vent tube
Written by VegasEdo, on 04-30-2010 20:02
When I rinsed the tank to install my Pingel petcock, I somehow plugged the tank vent tube, so this was a lifesaver. Easy mod, taking my time it took 15 minutes.
Just one tip the article missed
Written by Randysgym, on 11-08-2009 14:58
Mine is a 2003, and my 'Lock Tab Cover', as described on the first photo, has an extended alignment tab sticking out that must be oriented so that it faces forward when installed into the tank.
Another way to vent?
Written by Scotto, on 07-23-2009 11:04
Would removal of the roll-over valve have the same effect? :? Although, venting the gas cap is much easier.
2000 Silverado 1600
Written by Tigger, on 04-25-2009 23:50
My gas cap is very different from thone in this thread. Is it pssible to vent the one I have? :?
Written by yamaha14, on 01-14-2009 19:23
I have A vent on my tank A hose runs off top of tank It got pluged and my tank had collapse I put new hose on it IT"s ok now do I steel need to vent gas cap The tank it self is vented could someone please let me know
vent gas cap
Written by llp505, on 11-02-2008 08:17
I noticed that this thread was postted in 05 does this meathed help with the 07 star
That was simple..
Written by Kai, on 07-10-2008 12:17
Now for you guys that park in garage and your wife doesn't like the smell of gas...just take a sandwich bag and put it over the hole of the tank and gently put your gas cap over the bag and push then lock into place...that way it makes the wife happy and you can still park in the garage... :grin

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