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Installing Barons lower chrome guard

Written by Steve Shiver   
Thursday, 10 June 2004

Without having to loosen or remove the rear wheel !

Reprinted by Permission from Mr Tidy's Tech Tips

  1. Remove saddlebag if necessary and remove front saddlebag bolts and footpeg.  Place a cotton sock over the end of the saddlebag bracket to protect paint (or remove side cover). Remove the front bolt at the seat/fender/saddlebag bracket support and rotate the bracket up 3-4 inches. 

  2. Remove the upper chrome belt guard. You can then remove the plastic lower guard. 

  3. Put an old cotton T-shirt over the lower swing arm to protect both the paint and chrome. 

  4. Slide the new chrome lower guard in per Barons directions. (Slide rear of guard in angled down and then lower front edge in. Then rotate top of guard in under upper swing arm). 

  5. Reverse removal process for upper guard and saddlebags.  I replaced the supplied chrome bolts with stainless steel bolts. 

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DISCLAIMER: This information and procedure is provided as a courtesy and is for informational purposes only.  Neither the publishers nor the authors accept any responsibility for the accuracy, applicability, or suitability of this procedure.  You assume all risks associated with the use of this information.  NEITHER THE PUBLISHERs NOR THE AUTHORs SHALL IN ANY EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OF ANY NATURE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION OR LACK OF INFORMATION.  Any type of modification or service work on your motorcycle should always be performed by a professional mechanic. If performed incorrectly, this procedure may endanger the safety of you and others on your motorcycle and possibly invalidate your manufacturer’s warranty.

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  Comments (2)
Replacing Final Drive Belt on 05' Road
Written by tusekiaharjo, on 09-06-2011 15:29
Does anybody out there have information on how to replace the final drive belt on a 2005 Road Star Silverado? I need to change mine but would like to do it myself. Thanks
Written by 1700cc, on 10-11-2008 17:46
I was able to install the bottom guard without removing the top guard. I did remove the hard bag and bracket completly to make it easier. It sure beats messing with the tire!

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