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TOPIC: Valve Adjustment
Lumberjack (User)
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Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
This thread discusses the Content article: Valve Adjustment

I have the same noise as Helmut did, and am hoping for the same fix on my 06. Read the tech tips on this site - 2 from Mr. Tidy, one from Odo and all are from 2004 (so I'm thinking XV1600). There were a couple of helpful comments at the bottom as well.

Anyone have any further tips for a guy who's never gone deeper than removing the gas tank & seat?


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Rayjay (User)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
Why are you going to adjust the valve lash? I haven't seen Helmut's thread.

If you are having noise problems, I encourage you to buy a mechanic's stethoscope from your friendly auto parts store.

Go over the engine while cold (just started) and them when warmed up real good. If you're talented, you can listen while riding, although I would not suggest that.
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Lumberjack (User)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
Thanks for the feedback, Rayjay. I can't duplicate the issue when not on the road - here's a good place to pick up Helmut's initial thread followed by his fix. Any insight appreciated.

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Last Edit: 2009/08/10 13:06 By Lumberjack.
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Curt (Moderator)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
Lumberjack I am adjusting my valves because mine got to making a racket. I tried the service manual method when it was at 16000 miles and they didn't need adjusting. Now I am at almost 30000 and they are making noise. I talked with my wrench the only guy I trust that owens Metric Tech bike shop. He said the way to adjust them is bring it so the valves are open and let the lifters bleed down then bring it to TDC loosen the nut on the adjuster and loosen the adjuster. Push down on the slip side of the rocker arm holding it against the valve. Run the adjuster down on the other valve until it is against the valve and tighten the lock nut. This is considered 0-lash and you can't go wrong. Do the same thing for all the valves. The manual says 0.04mm or 0.0016in which might as well be zero lash when the engine heats up.
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Lumberjack (User)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
Curt - Thanks for the detailed description - always appreciated. BTW - are you hearing ticking with every revolution, or the weird racket with the throttle 1/16 to 1/8" open that Helmut, MidStar07 & I described here?

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Curt (Moderator)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
In this Texas heat (103+) I hear ticking all the time. Yep it is time to adjust em.
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Greysnake (User)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
What curt said,and follow Odo's instuctions,can't go wrong. A little tip,get some color markers and color code the bolts as per Odo's diagram as they are of different lenghts. and watch those pesky dowel pins. Just take your time and you'll do fine. Hope this is some help.
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Last Edit: 2009/08/10 21:58 By Greysnake.
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Lumberjack (User)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
Thanks...I appreciate the comments.

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Rayjay (User)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
One thing to remember is that up to 1/4 throttle you are using the pilot circuit mainly. If you are burning lean with regular gas and the ambient temp is hot, you could get a long and pinging burn.

I would richen up the circuit (PMS) and maybe go to premium. You will lose MPGs, but it should help with pinging.

I read that the higher octane keeps the engine from pinging with the HC pistons.

Another thing...I am going to swap out my lifters soon. I've got noise coming from the cam area when hot (not the heads). It' not bad, but with the other work I'm going to do the $20 for new lifers is worth it when I get her opened up.
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Skyman (User)
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Re:Valve Adjustment 8 Years, 6 Months ago  
Curt, thanks for welcoming me to the forum.
I have problem with your way of valve adjustment. What's happening when you bleed down the lifters? Gaps on both fingers are increased, correct? Then you bring the gaps to 0, correct? When you start the engine and lifters get oil, what then? To my understanding you will have overtightened valves which will make them burn.
I would appreciate some explanations to this, I apologize if I'm wrong. Thanks.
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