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04 Road Star AIS Removal

Written by Barron Cumming (red350SS)   
Friday, 11 June 2004

Supplemental Instructions for NoPork's and Paul Yotsuya's Articles

EDITOR's NOTE: Rather than write an entirely new article on AIS removal for the 04's, Barron chose to write an article outlining the differences between the 99-03s and the 04s, to be used as a supplement to NoPork.com's AIS removal article.  The same should apply to California models as well.  For California models refer to the article written by Paul Yotsuya about removal of the California specific AIS, and use this article as a supplement.


The 04 Road Star AIS system is similar to the earlier models, the biggest difference being changes made in the way the pipes fasten to the cylinder heads. Both pipes (front and rear) now use a bolted on flange, similar to a small exhaust flange. The Location for these hoses is in the front of the front cylinder and the front of the rear cylinder. 


You can remove the AIS without removing the gas tank by either plugging the vacuum line that runs from the pump to the top of rear cylinder at either the original pump location (plug with golf tee) or by completely removing the line from the motor, and plugging its port on head with a vacuum cap (refer to other articles for more detail).


To remove the AIS pump, follow the NOPORK instructions for the AIS removal on 03 and earlier (Paul Yotsuya for California models). The pump is in the same location, and mounts the same.  However, ignore the instructions pertaining to the elbows and plugs in the heads. On 04's you will have to remove the fuel pump cover and fuel pump to gain access to the rear  AIS tube entry point, and also unbolt 2 bolts holding the rear AIS tube to the bottom of the cylinders.
Now, simply unbolt the 2 bolts from both front and rear flanges, and remove the stock tubes. Be sure and save the metal gaskets behind them. You will have 2 block off plates in your AIS removal kit. Put the original gaskets on, and bolt the plates over the holes in the head.  Tighten bolts and you are done. Be sure to replace the fuel pump and cover, and you are ready to go.

Good Luck, Hope this helps.


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DISCLAIMER: This information and procedure is provided as a courtesy and is for informational purposes only.  Neither the publishers nor the authors accept any responsibility for the accuracy, applicability, or suitability of this procedure.  You assume all risks associated with the use of this information.  NEITHER THE PUBLISHERs NOR THE AUTHORs SHALL IN ANY EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OF ANY NATURE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION OR LACK OF INFORMATION.  Any type of modification or service work on your motorcycle should always be performed by a professional mechanic. If performed incorrectly, this procedure may endanger the safety of you and others on your motorcycle and possibly invalidate your manufacturer’s warranty.

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  Comments (10)
Written by andy32, on 05-26-2014 03:25
I have a2004xv1600 roadstar,would pipes from a1700 same year fit my bike
Written by FSUFAN, on 10-21-2013 14:41
what will it help to remove the AIS on my bike it is a 04
Pipe poor
Written by Bowtie, on 09-14-2012 03:37
:( Just bought a new 2012 Silverado and could not wait to actuallyheart the1,700 cc's with some new pipes. I made a mistake and purchased slip on mufflers which is all I could find to fit an still retain my original head pipes and o2 sensor ports. Sounds a lot like a Briggs and Stratton lawn mower at higher rpm's. Idle sounds great! I had the same mufflers and sounded fabulous on my old V-Star 1100. I have found no aftermarket exhaust company that sells a complete system or decent sounding slip on mufflers and I have real reservations about drilling out the stock set. Any of you Roadies have any suggestions for me?
$3 AIS block off flanges for 2005 R*
Written by Hardley, on 01-26-2011 18:40
I bought a piece of 1/4" DOM stock from the local hardware store and traced the AIS flanges onto the stock. Used a hand held grinder with cutting wheel and a hand drill to cut out the block off flanges. Took about 20 mins and was a great project. This isnt an easy site to post pics so sorry.
ais removal on 2008 roadstar
Written by Dudley, on 05-30-2010 21:15
Hello all, I just joined. I just removed the AIS on my 08 roady. It runs much better but seems to have sacrificed mileage.will adyno jet power commander retify this ? also there was a plug that was connected to the system I just unplugged and taped the end is this Ok?
My 06 Warrior
Written by Rookie, on 03-12-2010 04:03
I put a BUB slip on muffler on my Warrior. Over time it has started backfiring, loosing gas mileage you name it. Bought a Power Commander, and it still does it. Is this what's causing my problem? The AIS!!!! :upset
My Big Growl don't fit!
Written by Rookie, on 03-12-2010 03:54
I just got informed that the pipes I got for my bike don't fit. I got Big Growl Snub Nose Shortys, and the rear pipe is to short to fit properly. Do anyone have a suggestion on how to make them work?
ais removel on 04 road star
Written by patrick, on 09-11-2009 21:46
received plates the other day from ebay going to do it soon
hey cyclone! RE popping
Written by redrain, on 05-19-2009 22:15
I put Cobra pipes on my 07 had a lot of backfiring when downshifting and coughing @ idle * (this existed even before the pipe upgrade) when accelerating ... rejetted the carb and blocked the AIS ...no problem with either now ... plus I gained some ponies. You have FI so you can't re-jet but you can re-map your FI. Cobra makes a modual that should help.
AIS removal
Written by cyclone, on 05-18-2009 17:59
Anyone had this problem with the 08s I just put on new pipes and there is lots of popping on DECEL and some backfire on Acceleration. 
I am off to the garage to look for this system and see what is there. Also.. how does this affect any warranty Any one know

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