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User Registration for New Classifieds Section

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Written by Road Star Clinic Staff   
Friday, 11 February 2005

In case you missed our announcement, use of the new Classifieds section (as a member) on the clinic requires filling in the Contact Information section of your profile. Members who joined the clinic before we released this new section will need to use the "Edit Profile" option under the user menu to add this information.

We do not require this information to be a member of the clinic, only to use the new classifieds section as a member. If the information is not filled in, you will be logged into our Classifieds system as a guest whenever you choose to go there.

AOL users and others who are using software provided by their ISPs to access the clinic may find that they are unable to stay logged in while in the classifieds section. We recommend using Internet Explorer (or something other than these proprietery browsers) to access the classifieds section if you are experiencing this problem. We do not know how soon we will have it resolved.

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The Road Star Clinic is a collaborative community of riders who archive and publish user contributed technical data about Yamaha Road Star motorcycles.

Copyright 2003-2007 Road Star Clinic and its respective authors.
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