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Re:Might be done riding.....
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drumsonly2002 (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
You are a stand up guy and must be tough to consider not riding. I had 2 near misses last year and it has affected my riding. My confidence took a hit. What you went through is a lot worst. I had a bad car accident when I was 16 and still thinking about it 34 years later. The truma was such lost 3 months of schooling though physically I was there. If you have trouble sleeping that's a sign of truma. Maybe PTSD. You are wise to chill from riding but hope things work out in a positive way and hope for the best for you and family. Sometimes a break is good.
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MidnightJockey (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
Jason, lot's of good advice here but you totally have to do what you have to do for you and your family. I'm sure no matter what you decide someone somewhere is not going to agree with it. Do what's best for you guys and you'll be fine. Stick around though brother, you still have a lot of good knowledge up there in that melon! Dumbasses like me need to tap into it still!
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Tug (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
Sorry to hear that Brother. But you can check in and chat once in a while
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Last Edit: 2016/10/02 23:00 By Tug.
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Doc_V (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
Jason, I'm really sad to hear that but I know it couldn't be an easy decision for you. I've always known you were a really stand up guy, and I know you wouldn't make any choice like this hastily, so I fully respect your decision. You've got a wonderful wife and family and that comes first.

FWIW, I too once reached a point where I could no longer enjoy riding, but years later, riding again helped pull me out of a very dark place. Who knows what life has in store for you, but know that whatever the direction, we're here for you.

Take care brother and please don't be a stranger... I meant it when I said this place wouldn't be the same without you.

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It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s been lots of fun guys... Thank you Gram and catch you all on the other site.
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twowheeltherapy (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
grigby wrote:

You will either ride or not..... Yours and your wife's decision. But you should do it with a clear mind. It's been less than 3 weeks even though it seems like a life time.

Give yourself and your wife time to heal, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially then make whatever decision is right for you and your family.

I rode today for the first time since the Smoky M&G, seemed strange. Thought about you, Jake and Joe the entire time and didn't really enjoy it.

Take care my friend..... Prayers for you and your family.


I couldn't agree more with this wisdom and advice.

Smokes, your family comes first. You need time. You and your wife have to have confidence, excitement and enthusiasm when you throw your leg over. If it's not there, it's not there. You're doing the right thing right now.

Take all the time you need.
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blueverclear (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
I've had the pleasure of talking to you on several occasions and meeting you, your wife, and oldest son at the meet and greet. You are a great guy with a great family and i just want to say thanks for some of the good advice you have given me with my projects over the years.

Not gonna give you any advice as far as which decision is best for you and your family becuase ultimately only you know whats best for you. I have a young son and a growing family so I can definitely understand your struggle with your decisions going forward. I find myself not giving it up but definitely scalling back because of it. I will say good luck to you brother in whatever life brings you and keep in touch. I've got a deer to kill one of these years in Michigan and its time for a family vacation in the big easy so hopefully we will see each other sooner than later!
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remtool (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
What everyone has been saying about how much you contribute to the forum is right on. We met at the first Celina meet. We parked next to you at the first stop, Rustic Haven. I'm older, and I have quit riding twice for more than ten years, each time after accidents. You're a motorcyclist. You're young. Relax. Putting your wife and family first is the right thing to do, of course, but there is probably more riding in your future. Best of luck to you and yours. Glen Eaton
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Edge51 (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
Smokes....sorry to hear but I understand and am in the midst of turmoil as well. There comes a time to fall back and regroup. After I finally made the decision to put my R* up for sale my wife confessed that she worries every time I go out. She has been very supportive and has never mentioned that until I declared...For a couple who have spent as much of their lives together as you and your wife have and find that the peace has been disrupted over a single subject says alot . I hope it works out for you. Thank you for all your help over the years. As many have already said, You have helped make this community the great place it is.
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DusterP94 (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
Jason. You're decision is you're decision. Besides, I can't see where any reasonable person could blame you or your wife for having reservations after an accident like that. You've got some great kids and your wife is a special lady. That's most important. The rest is just fluff. I think all of us can understand where you're coming from and wish you peace in your choices.

I had a really close call last fall. Like close enough that I was shaking for an hour after. It was the typical young girl driver fiddling with her phone as she shot out of a hidden drive without looking combined with oncoming traffic. I'm sure it may have looked like my riding skill that saved me, but I assure you that it was just luck and could have easily been so much worse, and probably should have been. I got it pulled over into a parking lot and just walked in circles around the bike thinking about how Kristal and the girls would do without me or worse having me as a dependent. It took me an hour to work up the nerve to get back home. I never mentioned it to her. I came up with lots of reasons why I was too busy to go on rides. In the winter/spring I started buying broken lawn tractors and fixing them up and selling them. It worked out as I got my tinkering fix, and helped out quite a few people on limited incomes. Hell I didn't get the bike out this year until the end of August. For me at least, it isn't the same anymore. I still enjoy just putting around town at low speeds to the hardware and parts stores. Going on the highway though is still scary for me. What's the point if your forcing yourself out there. That's not what we got into this for.

You and Julie are pretty special people. My Kristal and I sure enjoyed the time we spent with you and consider our lives better off for having known the two of you. We're wishing you both peace and happiness whatever may come.
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Father_Pobasturd (User)
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Re:Might be done riding..... 1 Year, 4 Months ago  
The first post I read about this incident, you admitted you were riding over your head. Why? What prompted that? When I read between the lines of your subsequent posts, I see a lot of guilt coming through. And now, this. Why? Fear can be overcome. We overcome it every time we get on and ride. Our loved ones get over it every time we return. There's something more hear, something that has not been mentioned.

Every time I read about these M&G's, it seems the main topic of conversation is how much alcohol consumption transpired. I hate to think that was what happened here. A man may be crippled for life, and for what? Artificially elevated testosterone levels? Perhaps it's not the wreck that won't let you sleep. Maybe it's the aftermath.

Of course this is all pure speculation. Far be it from me to accuse anyone of anything like this. From what I understand there were two separate incidents involving accidents at that M&G. But hey, people go down all the time for a million different reasons, right? Worst wreck I was ever involved in on a M/C was a drunk driver trying to kill me. That was in 1985 and I still remember the bitches name to this day. Second worst was a mechanical failure brought on by my own stupidity.

I don't really know what happened there. I wasn't there. I know what I read on these pages, and that there is as much information in what isn't said than there is in what is. And what isn't said speaks volumes. The fact that no one else on here has bothered to "go there" does not surprise me one bit. I wish all concerned a speedy and full recovery.
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