Celebrating a Century of Achievement in Public Education:
University of Alberta Centennial

One hundred years. Twenty-one faculties. Sixty-four departments. Over 3,200 academic staff backed by support staff that number over 5,000. Over 36,000 students, a fourth of which represent 130 countries from around the world. The University of Alberta has much to celebrate after a century of academic excellence and achievement. Today’s University is the end result of a bold vision that began in 1908 with five professors and 45 students in the top floor gymnasium of the Duggan Street School (now Queen Alexandra School). The University was a dream that has endured critics, the horror and sacrifice of two world wars, the Great Depression, and financial challenges. One hundred years later, the dream has proven to be well worth all the effort.

This very special website, created through the partnership of the University of Alberta Learning Services and the Heritage Community Foundation, is an online celebration of the University of Alberta and its unique place in Alberta’s history. It is a retrospective of the rich history and heritage of the University; a look at university life, culture, and tradition, at what has changed and at what has remained the same. It is a tribute to the people who dared to dream of a first-rate post-secondary institution and to the faculty, support staff, and students who have made that dream a reality. It is a testament to Albertan ingenuity and innovation; to university research, development, and the discovery of knowledge. It is a multimedia journey through one hundred years of documentation, photographs, video and audio clips, interactive timelines, and memories recounting the story of how the University of Alberta has enriched and changed the world. Welcome to the University of Alberta Centennial website.
To find out more information about Centenary events or the latest Centenary news, please visit the University of Alberta Centenary events website at www.100years.ualberta.ca.