In addition to the print and online sources identified below, the University of Alberta Centenary Website cites sources throughout its various sections—History, Organization, and Achievements.
Print Resources
Academic Women’s Association, University of Alberta. Records, 1975–1982. Accession no. 81-120. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Alberta Agricultural Alumni Association. Records, 1942–1958. Accession no. 76-119. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Alexander, William Hardy. The University of Alberta: A Retrospect, 1908–1929. [Edmonton: University Printing Press, 1929.]
Argue, Lois. Memoirs, 1947–1964. Accession nos. 81-113, 89-39. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Arnal, Marc Claude. “Perspectives on Change at the University of Alberta from 1991 to 1997.” PhD diss., University of Alberta, 1999.
Assiniboia Housing Community Cooperative. Records, 1946–1988 (bulk 1966–1988). Accession no. 88-76. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Association of Professional Librarians of the University of Alberta. Records, 1960–1988. Accession nos. 80-36, 86-40, 87-121, 89-57. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Association of the Academic Staff of the University of Alberta. Records, 1939–1988. Accession nos. 73-162, 74-58, 77-6, 78-2, 79-10, 80-4, 81-107, 83-41, 84-120. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Austin, William. Fifty Years of Memories. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, c1991. Videorecording.
Aytenfisu, Maureen. “The University of Alberta: Objectives, Structure and Role in the Community, 1908–1928.” Master’s thesis, University of Alberta, 1982.
Babcock, D.R. Alexander Cameron Rutherford: a Gentleman of Strathcona. New ed. Calgary: The Friends of Rutherford House and University of Calgary Press, 1989.
Bauer, Milton F. Papers, 1938–1960. Accession no. 83-107. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Bilash, Olenka. Words into Buildings: The University of Alberta 1906-1928. Ottawa: Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, 1995.
Bosetti, Shelley Anne Marie. “The Rural Women’s University Women’s Institutes in Alberta from 1909 to 1940.” Master’s thesis, University of Alberta, 1983.
Boultbee, Paul Co., comp. A Central Alberta Bibliography. Red Deer: Red Deer College Press, 1986.
Bowen, Ruth. Papers, 1969–1970. Accession no. 79-112. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Bowser, W.E., ed. The First Fifty Years: A History of the Faculty of Agriculture, 1915–1965. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Faculty of Agriculture, 1965.
Brody, Eugene. 60th: The History of the University of Alberta: CKSR Tapes and Transcripts, 1970. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Burgess, Cecil Scott. Papers, 1891–1968. Accession nos. 68-12, 71-213, 72-28, 79-33. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Cameron, Donald. Campus in the Clouds. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1956.
Campbell, Duncan D. Those Tumultuous Years: The Goals of the President of the University of Alberta During the Decade of the 1960s. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1977.
Card, Brigham Y. The Faculty of Education's Contribution to the Alberta Teacher Force in May-June and in September, 1954. [Edmonton: Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, 1954.]
Chalmers, John W. “Development of Alberta’s First Faculty of Education.” Alberta History 40, no. 1 (1992):12–16.
——. Papers, 1973–1977. Accession no. 78-44. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Cherniavsky, Eva M. “The Chancellor’s Role in Policy Issues at the University of Alberta (1978 to 1982 and 1990 to 1994).” Master’s thesis, University of Alberta, 2000.
Cherwinski, Walter Joseph Carl, comp. Guide to the Papers of Henry Marshall Tory…During his Presidency of the University of Alberta, 1908–1927. s.l.: s.n., 1967.
Chow, Rita F.N. The Early History of Student Volunteer Campus Community and Father Francis Firth, 1980–1985. Edmonton: St Joseph’s College, University of Alberta, [2002].
CKUA Heritage Trails: Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the Faculty of Extension and the 75th Anniversary of CKUA. Edmonton: University of Alberta, CKUA Radio Network, 2002. Sound recording.
Clark, Ralph J. “A History of the Department of Extension at the University of Alberta, 1912–56.” PhD diss., University of Alberta, 1985.
Clarke, S.C.T. The Development of the Department of Educational Psychology: The University of Alberta 1950–1951 to 1980–1981. Edmonton: Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, 1982.
Corbet, Elise A. Frontiers of Medicine: A History of Medical Education and Research at the University of Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1990.
Corbett, Edward. Henry Marshall Tory: A Biography. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1992.
Cormack, Barbara V. Beyond the Classroom: The First 60 years of the University of Alberta Department of Extension. Edmonton: Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, 1981.
Cormack, Eric. Photographs, 1912–1940. Accession no. 69-10. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Dahlgren, Dorothy. Radio Talks. Accession no. 69-113. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Downs, A.W. The History of the Science Association of the University of Alberta, 1919–1952. Typescript. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Dubeta, John C. History of the University of Alberta, 1908–82 (83). s.l.: s.n., 1983.
Enns, Frederick. Thirty-five Years in Retrospect, 1957–1992: Reminiscences and Reflection on the Department of Educational Administration, University of Alberta. Edmonton: Department of Educational Administration, University of Alberta, 1992.
Faculty of Chemical Engineering. Colloquium 1996. Edmonton: Office of the Dean of Engineering, 1996.
Ford, George C. Sons of Martha: University of Alberta Faculty of Engineering 1913–1988. Edmonton: Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta, 1988.
Fraser, Robert S. Cardiology at the University of Alberta, 1922–1969. Edmonton: Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, 1992.
Futures: Whatsoever Things Are True. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Radio and Television and Access Alberta, 1980. Video recording.
Gilchrist, Dawna, ed. The History of the Department of Medicine at the University of Alberta. Edmonton: Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, [2004].
Gue, Leslie. Papers, 1957–1986. Accession no. 87-6. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Hanson, Eric J. The Department of Economics of the University of Alberta: A History. Edmonton: The Department of Economics, University of Alberta, 1982.
Harris, W.E. Department of Chemistry: History and a Memoir, 1909–2003. Edmonton: Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, 2003.
Hill, Walter. Taped Interview with Walter Hill. April 15, 1983. Accession no. 83-62. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton. Sound recording.
Hook, Edna. “Sir William Dawson and Henry Marshall Tory: The Achievements and Ideological Attitudes of Two Great Canadian Educators.” Master’s thesis, Carleton University, 1990.
Jamieson, Heber C. Collections 1861–61. Accession nos. 81-104, 84-90. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Johns, Walter H. A History of the University of Alberta, 1908–1969. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1981.
——. A History of the Faculty of Law. Edmonton: Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, 1978.
——. Papers, 1927–1985. Accession no. 85-91. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Johnson, LeRoy Peter Vernon. Papers, 1909–1970. Accession nos. 69-88, 70-103, 70-109. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Kidd, James L. “A Study of the Influence of Dr. H.M. Tory on Educational Policy in Canada.” MA Thesis, McGill University, 1944.
Kuban, Ron. Edmonton’s Urban Villages: The Community League Movement. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2005.
Lamont, Kate, ed. We Can Achieve: A History of Women in Sport at the University of Alberta. Edmonton: Academic Print and Publishing, 1988.
Levassesur-Ouimet, France, ed. Regards, paroles et gestes: en souvenir du 20e aAnniversaire de la Faculté Saint-Jean. Edmonton: Faculté Saint-Jean, University of Alberta, 1997.
Lupul, Manoly R. “The Establishment of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta: A Personal Memoir.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 26, no. 2 (1994): 88-112.
McCalla, Arthur G. Papers, 1940–1977. Accession no. 82-148. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
McCalla, Gilbert. Papers for the Local History Project, 1982–1983. Accession no. 84-18. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
McIntosh, Gordon. The Dynamics of Diversity: The Faculty of Education in Context. [Edmonton: Faculty of Education], 1987.
McKitrick, Eva A. Collection, 1916–1982. Accession no. 83-65, 86-107. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
MacDonald, John. The History of the University of Alberta, 1908–1958. Toronto: W.J. Gage for the University of Alberta, 1958.
Mactaggart, Sandy A. A View from the Bridge: Selected Speeches, 1990–1994. Edmonton: University of Alberta, c1994.
Marshall, Heather, ed. By Degrees: The First 90 Years of the Canadian Federation of University Women Edmonton. Edmonton: The Federation, c2002.
Marzolf, Archie Durward. “Alexander Cameron Rutherford and His Influence on Alberta’s Educational Program.” Master’s thesis, University of Alberta, 1961.
Matheson, Margaret C. Ring Out a Cheer. Edmonton: University of Alberta Mixed Chorus Alumni Association, 2004.
Matthews, Arnold Whitney. Papers, 1923–1980. Accession no. 83-161. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Melnyk, George. The Literary History of Alberta. 2 vols. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1998–.
Newton, Robert. I Passed This Way 1889–1964+. [Edmonton: n.p., between 1964–1975.]
——. Papers, 1912–1961. Accession nos. 71-147, 71-161, 72-74. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Parker, James, and R.G. Moyles. The University of Alberta: 1908–1983. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1982.
Payne, Michael, Donald Wetherell, and Catherine Cavanaugh, eds. Alberta Formed, Alberta Transformed. 2 vols. Calgary: University of Calgary Press; Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2006.
Peel, Bruce B. History of the University of Alberta Library, 1909–1979. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1979.
Philosophical Society, University of Alberta. Records, 1912–1970. Access nos. 70-133, 71-106. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Photographic Services, University of Alberta. Photographs 1962–1974. Accession no. 88-77. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton (Spring 1996).
Rigney, Jessie. Facts and Laughter: Nursing, September 4th, 1944 to September 4th, 1947. Edmonton: University of Alberta, [1997].
Rutherford, Alexander Cameron. Papers, 1896–1941. Accession nos. 69-112, 69-164, 79-124. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Saint-Jean, une institution qui s’adapte: Soixante-quinzième anniversaire: 1908–1983. Edmonton: Faculté Saint-Jean, c.1982.
Schofield, Phil. University of Alberta: A Time to Remember. Louisville, Kentucky: Harmony House, 1990.
Science Association, University of Alberta. Records, 1909–1969 (bulk 1913–1963). Accession nos. 69-82, 71-76, 71-133, 71-166, 71-184. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Scott, John William. The History of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alberta, 1913–1963. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1963.
Smillie, Keith. The Department of Computing Science: The First Twenty-five Years. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science, 1991.
Smith, Douglas E. “Development of the Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, 1909–63.” Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Psychology, 1975.
Smith, Glynys Sian. “Women Undergraduate Students at the University of Alberta, Continuity and Change, 1950–1975.” Master’s thesis, University of Alberta, 2001.
Spencer, Mary, Kay Dier, and Gordon McIntosh, eds. Echoes in the Halls: An Unofficial History of the University of Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1999.
Strathern, Gloria, comp. Alberta 1954–1979: A Provincial Bibliography. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Printing Services, 1982.
Swift, William H. “The University and I: Being an Account of a Life-time of Involvement with the University of Alberta, 1920–81.” Paper, 1981. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Taylor, William C. A History of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta, 1919–1991. Edmonton: Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta, 1993.
Thomas, Lewis G. The University of Alberta in the War of 1939-45. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1948.
University of Alberta. “Opening of the New Education Building, May 30, 1963.” Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1963.
University of Alberta, Amateur Radio Club. Records, 1939–1970. Accession no. 73-42. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
University of Alberta Archives. A Guide to the President's Papers 1928-36; Robert Charles Wallace. Edmonton: University Archives, 1973.
——. From the Past to the Future: A Guide to the Holdings of the University of Alberta Archives. Edmonton: University of Alberta Archives, 1992.
——. Who’s Who at the University of Alberta: 1908–1919. Edmonton: University of Alberta Archives, 1991.
——. Who's Who at the University of Alberta: 1919–1939. Edmonton: University of Alberta Archives, 1993.
University of Alberta, Chemistry Postdoctoral Association. Records, 1974–1976. Accession no. 76-156. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
University of Alberta, Department of Medicine. “As the chairmen saw it”: In an Ongoing Series of Histories by Former Chairmen of the Department of Medicine. 2 vols. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Medicine, 1988–.
University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, Academic and Space Planning Committee. Report Submitted to the Academic Planning Committee by the Faculty of Education, University of Alberta. Edmonton: s.n., 1966.
University of Alberta, Faculty of Law. Faculty of Law, 1993–1995, University of Alberta. Edmonton: Faculty of Law, 1992.
University of Alberta, Men’s Faculty Club. Records 1911–1961. Accession no. 73-204. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
University of Alberta, Mixed Chorus. 50 golden years. Edmonton: Arktos, 1995. Sound recording.
University of Alberta, Women’s Faculty Club. Records 1933–1975, 1981. Accession nos. 75-130, 76-85, 80-165, 81-163, 84-56, 85-63, 85-106. University of Alberta Archives, Edmonton.
Vant, J. Ross, and A.W. Cashman. More than a Hospital: University of Alberta Hospitals, 1906–1986. Edmonton: University Hospitals Board, 1986.
Vick, Roger. The Garden: A History of the University of Alberta Devonian Botanical Garden. Edmonton: University of Alberta Devonian Botanic Garden, 1978.
Wallace, R.C. “The University of Alberta, 1908–1933.” Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1933.
Wilson, Betty. To Teach this Art: The History of the Schools of Nursing at the University of Alberta, 1924–1974. Edmonton: Hallamshire Publishing, 1977.
Online Sources
History Trails is a website sponsored by the University of Alberta Alumni Association. It is dedicated to preserving knowledge of the University’s past and the many remarkable individuals whose lives and works are closely intertwined with its growth.
The University of Alberta Archives consists of material that is of continuing adminstrative, legal, or historical value. In addition to administrative and academic records, the Archives also collects University publications and the private papers of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and various university-related organizations.
The Faculty of Arts in Review is a semi-annual printed magazine showcasing and celebrating the work of the Faculty of Arts to its alumni and other external partners.
Folio is the University of Alberta’s official newspaper. It is published by the Office of Public Affairs every two weeks from September to June. Its mandate is to serve as a credible news source for internal audiences by communicating accurate and timely information about issues, programs, people, and events.
The Gateway is a publication of the U of A students’ Union. It has been published since 1910. Backissues from 2002 to the present are available online.
LawNow is a resource about the law, the legal process, and their relationship to life in Canada. LawNow is a magazine, email service, and website.
New Trail (archival issues available online)
The Orange is the Faculty of Education's alumni magazine. Published twice a year by the Faculty's Office of External Relations, The Orange is distributed to alumni, friends, faculty, students, and staff.