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Northlands Park - Memories Worth Keeping
community events

Agriculture and Horticulture

Northlands Park began as an agricultural society 125 years ago, furthering agrarian values and knowledge through informative displays on the subject. Since then, a core of dedicated volunteers has Australia agricultural exhibit decided on matters of organizational development. Leaders continue to focus on Northlands' original goals of providing community service and agricultural information, while keeping current with change.

Though Northlands Park continues to expand, creating many attractions that bear little resemblance to the vegetable stands and horse-drawn wagons of yesteryear, the emphases placed on agriculture and horticulture confirm the organization’s continued Design For Living commitment to the rural community and its arts.

Livestock shows allow urban residents to take a peek at how farmers do business, while new equipment displays and informative seed competitions serve to educate. Northlands Park also hosts agricultural feature shows highlighting diverse aspects of the industry, including exhibits from other countries, such as the Australia agriculture booth of 1988.

The success of the Edmonton Home and Garden Show is another example of how organizers at Northlands Park have teamed up with groups who share their commitment to horticulture. The annual Horticulture display Farm and Ranch Show, another such display, is geared towards rural residents interested in the latest innovations. Farmfair International, Northlands’ fall agricultural show, incorporates the best aspects of these into a single event where knowledge exhibits go hand-in-hand with livestock sales and competitions.

Featured Video: Bill Henning describes the importance of agriculture to Northlands Park Past Northlands Park president Bill Henning describes the importance of agriculture to Northlands Park. Watch Now

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Livestock shows
 and auctions

Machinery shows
 and auctions

4-H and other rural youth programs



New Directions

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