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Northlands Park - Memories Worth Keeping
community events


Rodeo is a tough sportWhen most people think of rodeo, they envision calf roping, barrel racing and saddle bronc. They think of the sounds and smells associated with a sport specifically designed to pit man against animal, in contests of strength and endurance, sweat, blood, and victory. There is more to rodeo than that.

Rodeo Magic eventNorthlands Park has been involved with rodeo, in one way or another, for over 50 years. The Northlands Superodeo, which existed from the 1950s into the early 1990s, continually reunited people who had forged a bond through their common love of the sport. Black Tie Bingo

The Canadian Finals Rodeo (CFR) was brought to Northlands in 1975, and quickly evolved into one of the largest events of its kind in Canada. Each November, the roar of the crowd—91,000 strong—can still be heard over the thunder of pounding hooves.

Spectators at the Canadian Finals RodeoParticipants and spectators also have the opportunity to take in surrounding rodeo-related events and attractions, such as the Western Trade Show, as well as to participate in charitable activities tied in to the CFR.

Mike GouchieOne of these activities, Rodeo Magic, gives kids with special needs between ages six and fourteen, the opportunity to participate in their very own rodeo events. Another, the Black Tie Bingo, raises funds for people injured through participating in the CFR.

Northlands Park supports these acts of charitable giving, encouraging them as they fit with its service organization mandate.

Featured Video: Rodeo events Footage from Northlands Park's rodeo events. Watch Now

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Canadian Finals

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