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Northlands Park - Memories Worth Keeping
community events

Arts and Crafts

Several organizations, including the Edmonton Photography Club, made use of the space on offer at Northlands in the early part of the 20th century. The exhibits and prizes offered on the grounds shaped the club-related correspondence of that era.

Traveling photographic exhibits, some of which had been put together by amateurs enamored with the camera, and others by experts in that field, could tour the exhibition circuit and compete for prizes at each of its many stops. As a result, the Edmonton Exhibition Association, sported award-winning photographs from many classes at least once a year.

Not everyone was satisfied with how the exhibition circuit did business. Like other members of the route, Northlands observed a strict entrance deadline for related pieces. Submitters had, as their only option, to send exhibits by car or train over the space of a week or more to stand up to the jury selection. If an exhibit was late, it was not considered and turned away.

Despite inconvenient shipping, most people were rather content with the selection process and its results. The photographic exhibits, for example, found themselves nestled among a rich mosaic of needlework, quilts, and school art displays.

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Sponsorship of
school arts
displays and

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