Areas of Research Excellence
Feature Article
U of A names 26 areas of research excellence
In 2001, the University of Alberta announced twenty areas of research excellence and six areas of emerging excellence. These 26 were chosen through an extensive process that involved peer-evaluation. However, Vice-President (Research) Roger Smith (1996–2001) made it clear that the list is not exhaustive and that “there is much excellence at the U of A that is not recognized today.”
Original: ExpressNews

Following is the 2001 list of the University of Alberta areas of established and emerging research excellence, along with a general description of each area. The areas selected represent world-class research activities and researchers. The diversity of the areas identified and the intersecting web of disciplines that make up the University of Alberta are truly impressive. Several areas not in these lists nevertheless include world-class researchers who are individually conducting outstanding research.
In addition, the University has many researchers whose achievements in their fields are among the best in the world; however, they are not currently associated with a group of colleagues of sufficient size to constitute an area. Many of these researchers are Fellows of the Royal Societies or recipients of national and international awards. The collective effort of individual faculty members carrying out high-quality research and scholarly activity is the foundation of a truly outstanding research-intensive institution.
Critical to the success of the research areas and individual researchers identified in these pages are the support staff, research associates and assistants, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students who contribute so much to the exciting and high-calibre research conducted at the University of Alberta. It is their dedication, along with the important and valued funding from federal and provincial agencies, foundations, and private sponsors, that is the key to the University of Alberta's successful research programs.
Former University President Rod Fraser's bold vision—that the University of Alberta be indisputably recognized, in teaching, research, and community service, nationally and internationally, as one of Canada's finest universities and amongst a handful of the world's best—is being realized as we move into the 21st century.
Adapted from R. Gary Kachanoski, Vice-President (Research) (2001–2007) in
Building Our Strength: Areas of Established and Emerging Excellence 2001
Areas of Established Research Excellence
Cardiovascular Research
Catalytic, Interfacial and Transport Engineering
Communications and Software Engineering
Diabetes/Islet Transplantation/Transplantation
Drug Discovery and Development
Ecosystem Management
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Intelligent Systems and Control
Literary Histories and Technologies
Membrane Molecular Biology/Transport/Lipids
Nanoscience and Technology
Neuroscience and Neuroendocrinology
Nutrition and Metabolism
Professional Service Firm Management and the Management of Professionals
Protein Structure and Function
Resource Geoscience
Social Policy
Transforming Research in Education
Areas of Emerging Research Excellence
Central and East European Studies
Comparative Experimental Linguistics
Health Law and Policy
Music in Performance
Past Human Biology and Behaviour
Plasma Science