University of Alberta Timeline (1910–19)
Premier Alexander Cameron Rutherford resigns.
In December, the new Premier, Arthur Sifton, passes a new University Act, granting the necessary funds for the University’s expansion.
The construction of Alberta College begins (later renamed St. Stephen’s College).
Construction of Alberta College (St. Stephen’s) is complete, making it the first building to be erected on the University campus.
The University moves onsite to River Lot Five, where Athabasca Hall, the University’s first “official home,” has just been completed.
Library with 6,000 volumes is moved to Athabasca Hall.
As a result of the new University Act, the Committee on Student Affairs is created.
Students’ Union is given the mandate to appoint their own representative committee.
The first issue of the Gateway is distributed.
The Faculty of Law is created.
The Department of Extension is established in the basement of the partially finished Assiniboia Hall.
Library moved to the completed Assiniboia Hall— with the librarian’s office on the second floor and the reading room and books on the ground floor.
Students of the first graduating class receive their degrees at Convocation.
The Faculty of Applied Science (renamed Engineering in 1948) is instituted.
Instruction in Medicine begins.
The first Rhodes Scholarship is awarded to a University of Alberta student.
The student residence, Pembina Hall, is completed.
Department of Pharmacy is established.
The nucleus of the present University Hospital is erected.
The Library’s collection doubles to 12,000 volumes.
During War I, the new University sent 438 of its staff, alumni, and students to the armed forces; 82 were killed or died in active service.)
The Faculty of Agriculture is founded.
The Committee on Graduate Studies, predecessor of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, is organized.
The Arts Building is officially opened.
The Library moves into Arts Building, Room 110, an oak-paneled room with seating for 80 readers.
South Lab and North Lab(1914-1919) /The Double Lab/Power Plant, in its various forms and eras, houses Engineering, Medicine and laboratories, a tar extraction plant, Ultrasonic Plant experiments, and the Department of Extension.
The Alumni Association is formed.
Compulsory physical education for first and second year students is introduced; and an athletic field and cinder track are made available.
The School of Accountancy is established.
The School of Pharmacy (previously only a department) and the sub-faculty of Dentistry are founded.
Miss Katie McCrimmon is the first woman to head the Students’ Union
The original Tuck Shop is opened by an ex-Londoner Bill Smith.
The Department of Household Economics is established.
The first university summer term is held.
The Research Council of Alberta is instituted.
The University Stock Farm is purchased.