University of Alberta Timeline (1970–79)
Collège Saint-Jean becomes part of the U of A.
Archives undertakes a records survey.
$3.5 million deficit is announced.
Freeze on hiring (1970-1971)
Early 1970s (indeterminate date) Toronto architects and planners Diamond and Myers develop a long-range campus plan.
Physical Education addition is completed.
Stadium Parkade is completed.
Tuck Shop is demolished and an era ends.
Spring and summer session introduced with six-week intensive courses (1971/1972).
Central Academic Building opens.
Faculty of Agriculture becomes Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.
Construction on Rutherford Library North begins.
Students win parity with professors on General Faculty Council.
Law Centre is completed and officially houses the John A. Weir Memorial Law Library.
Humanities Centre opens.
First advanced registration for Law and Medicine is introduced.
Housing Union Building (HUB) officially opens.
Fine Arts Centre opens.
Mechanical Engineering Building is occupied.
Chemistry East is completed.
Education North is completed.
Rutherford North, Humanities and Social Sciences Library, is completed.
First computer-generated list of the Library’s holdings of 26,000 serials titles is produced.
Harry Gunning succeeds Max Wyman as President.
Archives submits a document retention and disposal policy, which is approved by the Board of Governors.
Athabasca and Pembina Hall are restored.
Restored Rutherford opens to the public.
Computerized library acquisitions system is established.
University’s financial difficulties begin to turn around with a 1975-1976 operating budget of $107 million
The Archives becomes an independent department.
Board of Governors buys HUB for $1.00.
Archives and Documents Committee establishes a sub-committee for Documents Retention and Disposal (DRAD).
St. Stephen’s College building designated a Provincial Historic Resource.
Alberta Community Development moves into St. Stephen’s
Collège Saint-Jean becomes Faculté Saint-Jean.
Power Plant opens.
First United Way Campaign on campus.
Alex Cairns, Registrar (since 1956) retires.
Non-academic Staff Association (NASA) successfully obtains legal status as an employee organization.
Myer Horowitz succeeds Harry Gunning as President.