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Supplementary Lessons - Grade 4: Sharing Knowledge

Learning Outcomes

Grade 4
Focus: Alberta
Topic B: Alberta: Its People in History

Albertans throughout the history of Alberta have contributed to its development.


The lesson will allow students to realize and identify the important roles of Aboriginal people upon the development of Alberta.



  • Students will recognize that Aboriginal people played an important role in developing Alberta
  • Students will identify specific examples and contributions of Aboriginal individuals
  • Students will develop understanding of how Aboriginal people, fur traders, explorers, and settlers worked together and shared information


  • Students will search and retrieve information from electronic and paper sources
  • Students will categorize important information


  • Students will develop respect towards Aboriginal peoples and acknowledge their valuable contributions to Alberta

Teacher Information

Introductory Activity

Create a list on the board based on student knowledge, following a rough time line framework. Begin with having students identify:

  • Who lived in Alberta before the explorers and later fur traders arrived?
  • How do we think they lived?
  • When the fur traders came, things changed. Give examples.
  • What new things would the fur traders have brought with them?
  • What things would the Aboriginal people have shared with the fur traders?
  • How did they work together?
  • What new items or information would the settlers have brought with them to Alberta?
  • What things would the Aboriginal people have shared with the settlers?
  • How would they have worked together?
  • How do people work together today and share information?

Main Lesson

Students will each need a large piece of poster paper. They should title their poster, “Sharing Knowledge.” The poster should be broken into two categories, one for Aboriginal and the other for Fur Traders and Settlers. Under each section students will list in writing and with pictures taken from the Student Zone Photograph Gallery ways in which each group would have shared knowledge with the other. For example, fur traders may have shared information about guns so students would write guns and find a picture of an Aboriginal person or fur trader holding a gun. Students may also illustrate their examples if they chose. Aboriginal people may have shared knowledge about hunting so students could write hunting and draw a picture of a buffalo.

Supplementary Lesson

Students will chose two individuals from the Biographies section of the Student Zone and create a mini biography on them. Students should choose one person born before 1900 and one person born after 1900. Students should try and include a picture and should make note of the contribution each person made to Alberta. The student must also identify why they chose this person. This exercise can be done in written format.

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