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University Act, 1910

Premier Rutherford’s provisional 1906 University Act gave the Senate management of both University business and educational policies. During the winter of 1908 and 1909, Dr Tory undertook drafting of an Act that was less cumbersome.

With the help of Mr Sydney Woods, Alberta’s Deputy Attorney-General, Tory’s 1910 Act incorporated legal aspects and provided the University with a governance model that would last almost five decades.

Key elements of the 1910 Act included:

Tory’s 1910 University Act brought a measure of financial security, so he was able to proceed with campus planning. In 1908, the University had 45 students, a President, a Senate, and four academic staff. By 1912, the University boasted 320 students, a teaching staff of 26, non-academic staff, and a governance model that would steer the University through innumerable changes.

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