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Myer Horowitz (1979–1989)

Myer Horowitz

Myer Horowitz attended the School of Teachers at Macdonald College at McGill University and Sir George Williams College, now known as Concordia, where he received a BA in 1956. He earned an MEd from the University of Alberta in 1959 and an EdD in Elementary Education from Stanford University in 1965. In 1960, after teaching for eight years in Montreal, Horowitz accepted a position as a professor in the Faculty of Education at McGill University.

In 1969, Horowitz left McGill to become Chair of the University of Alberta's Department of Elementary Education. Once in Alberta, he held a succession of academic positions, including Dean of the Faculty of Education (1972–1975) and Vice-President (Academic) (1975–1979). On August 1, 1979, Horowitz became the ninth president of the University of Alberta. During his ten years as President, Horowitz not only guided the University, but he also helped advocate for universally accessible early childhood services. After retiring as President, Horowitz continued to fight for the reversal of the Alberta government's decision to reduce significantly funding for kindergartens.

Horowitz remained active within the teaching community serving, for example, as president of the Early Childhood Education Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association. Horowitz was also a dedicated researcher in the field of teacher education. He was instrumental in creating the Centre for Research on Teacher Education and Development. The Centre's Myer Horowitz Endowment Fund is named in recognition of his contributions.

In 1989, Horowitz became Professor Emeritus of Education. He served as president of the Vanier Institute of the Family and became an adjunct professor of Education at the University of Victoria. Dr. Horowitz is a member of the faculty involved with the University of Victoria's Centre for Youth and Society.

Dr Horowitz has received numerous honours, including seven honorary degrees. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1990. The Myer Horowitz Theatre in the University of Alberta's Students' Union Building is named in his honour.

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