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W. John McDonald (Acting) (1994–1995)

W. John McDonald received his MSc from the University of Saskatchewan and PhD from the University of Ottawa. His long career in the University of Alberta's Department of Physics began in 1962 and continued after 2002, when he was made a Professor Emeritus. Dr McDonald was also involved in University administration and was Dean of Science for nearly ten years from 1982 to 1991. In 1991, he became Vice-President (Academic) and held this position for the next three years. In 1994, McDonald was appointed Acting President of the University of Alberta, a position he held until Roderick Fraser became President in 1995.

Dr McDonald's research is in the field of sub-atomic physics, and his expertise is in particle detection techniques. He has participated in projects occurring CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the world's largest particle physics laboratory located near Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border. He is also an emeritus faculty member of the University of Alberta Centre for Subatomic Research and has been involved in the ALTA project, a collaborative project involving the Centre and local Alberta high schools. The aim of the project is to research the nature of high energy cosmic rays. The participating high school students will also receive a unique educational experience.

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