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Alumni Association

The Alumni Association was begun in 1915 by a small group of University of Alberta graduates. The Association works interdependently with the Office of Alumni Affairs and currently has more than 175,000 graduates, 15 alumni chapters, and 40 branches around the world. All U of A graduates automatically become life members of the Association and do not incur any fees.

The Association is a volunteer, non-profit organization. Its governing body is the Alumni Council which represents the alumni constituency, provides advice, and determines policy. Additionally, the Council reviews programs, provides input into University administration, and directs the assets of the Association.

All Council members are elected and non-remunerated. Alumni Council meets four times annually.

The Alumni Council is composed of:

Throughout its almost hundred-year history, the Alumni Association has consistently upheld its primary mission, which is to create a lifetime connection between alumni and the University.

The Association provides alumni with a wide variety of useful services and benefits that include

The Association’s operating funds come from revenue-generating programs such as sales of crested degree frames, an Affinity Master Card, an Affinity partnership with TD Meloche Monnex for auto and home insurance, and an Affinity partnership with Industrial Alliance Pacific for life and health insurance.

In 2008, Alumni Affairs is hosting the University of Alberta’s largest homecoming event. From September 18 to September 23, all alumni are invited to the campus to celebrate the University’s centenary. To kick off these celebrations and festivities, an impressive Alumni Centenary legacy will be unveiled. For more information, contact:

Office of Alumni Affairs
Telephone: (780) 492-3224
Toll free: 1-800-661-2593
Email: alumni@ualberta.ca

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