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Graduate Students' Association

Located in the historic North Power Plant, the Graduate Students' Association (GSA) is an association for all graduate students at the University of Alberta. Daily operations of the GSA are run by the five elected members of the GSA Executive, the GSA office staff, a few GSA officers, and a number of GSA committees. In addition, acts as the chief negotiator for all teaching assistants and research assistants employed at the University.

GSA's mission is to enrich the experience and general welfare of graduate students at the University of Alberta. GSA provides support and advocacy and addresses graduate student issues. One of its primary objectives is to promote the intellectual, cultural, social, and recreational activities of its members.

GSA endeavours to create an environment that acknowledges and applauds the contributions of graduate students to the University and to the greater community. It also encourages positive and friendly experiences for graduate students at the University of Alberta.

Policies are set by the GSA Council, a body composed of one representative from each department offering a graduate program and members of the GSA Executive. The GSA Council has monthly governance meetings. GSA also has a number of committees that help govern GSA and serve as an extension of the GSA Council. GSA Annual General Meeting is usually held in March.

GSA provides its members with a variety of services, such as:

GSA is an external member of the Alberta Graduate Council (AGC) and the Graduate Students’ Association of Canada (GSAC).

Presidents of the Graduate Students' Association
2007–2008 Julianna (Julie) Charchun
2006–2007 Christine Delling
2005–2006 Toks Bakinson
2004–2005 Alexis Pepin
2003–2004 Lee Skallerup
2002–2003 Brad Wuetherick
2001–2002 Brad Wuetherick
2000–2001 Shannon McEwen
1999–2000 Laura Bonnett
1998–1999 Kimberly Speers
1997–1998 Peter Cahill
1996–1997 Gordon Squirell
1995–1996 Jay Krushell
1994–1995 Kimberley Krushell
1993–1994 Frank Coughlan
1992–1993 Steven Karp
1991–1992 Stephen Downs
1990–1991 Stephen Downs
1989–1990 Ken Ross
1988–1989 Dwayne Barber
1987–1988 Florence Glanfield
1986–1987 Annette Richardson
1985–1986 Kevin Giles
1984–1985 Gary Genosko
1983–1984 Richard Jehn
1982–1983 Bob Ascah
1981–1982 Patricia Whiteley/Niall Shanks
1980–1981 Paul Fisher
1979–1980 George McCourt/Myron Olekiw
1978–1979 Barry Mills
1977–1978 Jim Talbot
1976–1977 John Cherwonogrodzky
1975–1976 Jack Girton
1974–1975 Susan Therrin
1973–1974 Peter Flynn
1972–1973 Mohammed Adam
1971–1972 John Hoddinott
1970–1971 Orman Granger
1969–1970 Bob Newall
1968–1969 Richard Watson
1967–1968 John Towler
1966–1967 Peter Boothroyd
1965–1966 Dave Grudon
1964–1965 W.T. Painter

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