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About University of Alberta International

The University of Alberta believes there has never been a better time to provide an international dimension to learning, discovery and citizenship. Driven by this vision to connect with the world, University of Alberta International (UAI) works on the front line and behind the scenes to support the creation of an internationally vibrant learning and research environment. UAI's broad suite of services assists students, staff and the city's communities in virtually every aspect of internationalization and international engagement. UAI works to bring the U of A to the world and the world to the U of A.

Bringing U of A to the world
Relationship building with international institutions

UAI leads the international marketing, recruitment and partnership strategy for the U of A. We provide advice and support to faculties, units and programs engaged in international partnership building. UAI vets all international agreements and contracts, works with the U of A to negotiate all new international agreements and maintains more than 200 agreements with partner institutions in over 50 countries. UAI also co-ordinates mission logistics for senior administration and facilitates official international visits to the University.

International project development and management

UAI works with University of Alberta faculties to identify and address their international objectives. We provide expertise in the design, implementation and management of international projects. We work with international partners in developing and transitional countries to promote knowledge exchange and active learning approaches to build capacities in educational institutions, professional bodies and government departments. UAI also administers funding opportunities from multi-lateral agencies, governments and major foundations to support international initiatives by U of A faculties.

Education abroad opportunities

UAI develops and supports programs that enable students to participate in learning experiences abroad through study, work, internship, research and community service opportunities. We manage more than 100 exchange opportunities in over 35 countries, co- ordinate numerous summer study abroad programs, run the Education Abroad Resource Library (EARL) and provide support to department and faculty-based initiatives and to our international exchange partners.

Bringing the world to U of A
On-campus programming to build global citizenship

University of Alberta International House UAI provides educational opportunities for students, faculty, staff and the community to explore issues of global importance and to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding required to become global citizens. Our flagship event, International Week, takes place annually. UAI also provides programming for residents of International House that encourages leadership and global citizenship.

International student recruitment

UAI recruits outstanding international students from around the world through its international marketing, recruitment and partnership strategy. In this role, we pursue potential and existing international student markets and provide advice and support to faculties, units and programs engaged in international student recruitment. Extensive relationships developed over more than 10 years of international relations and recruitment generate applications for admission from over 120 countries per year.

Services for international students

Student in Rutherford Library UAI assists international students in achieving their academic and personal goals by providing orientation services to help students meet friends and settle into life in Edmonton. Advisors are available to meet individually with students and offer programs throughout the year to help students address challenges and succeed at the U of A. UAI also runs the International Centre, engaging students and community members in a variety of programs, events and volunteer opportunities.

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