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Vice-President (External Relations)

In May 2000, the Board of Governors approved the split of the Research and External Affairs portfolio and created the position of Vice-President (External Relations). This move reflected the key roles played by both research and external relations to the University's vision of being indisputably recognized as among a handful of the world's best universities.

The Vice-President (External Relations) plays a pivotal role in accomplishing the University of Alberta's vision by developing recognition, support, and commitment for the University's teaching and research mandate with the ultimate goals of ensuring enhanced financial resources and a strong, positive public profile.

Committed to being the country's best University advancement team, the External Relations portfolio is currently in the midst of a $310 million fundraising campaign, which will culminate with the University's Centenary celebrations in 2008.

For more information, please refer to the website of the Vice-President (External Relations).

Vice-President (External Relations)
2006– Sandra Conn
2006 Phillis M. Clark (Acting)
2005 Claudette Tardif (Acting)
2000–2005 Susan L. Green (Acting from 2000–2001)

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