Association of Academic Staff
In 1936, the President created a Faculty Relations Council to act as a liaison between the University administration and the academic staff. Its members were appointed. In 1945, the Association of Teaching Staff of the University of Alberta (ATSUA) was established, with the Faculty Relations Council remaining as its executive. In 1950, the ATSUA approved a new constitution, by which it initiated election of the executive and discontinued the Faculty Relations Council. The ATSUA revised its constitution in 1959 and changed its name to the Association of Academic Staff University of Alberta (AASUA).
The organization underwent another name change in 1961 to AASUAE (Edmonton) to distinguish it from the Calgary campus branch, the AASUAC (Calgary). When the University of Calgary became autonomous in 1966, the Edmonton association re-assumed the name AASUA. The AASUA's aim is to represent academic staff at the University of Alberta through collective bargaining, grievance representation, and expression of opinion.
The purposes of the Association, as set out in its bylaws, are to advance and protect the individual and collective interests of its members, to protect independence of thought and freedom of teaching and research, and to provide an environment appropriate to the University and the enhancement of the quality of university education in Alberta.
The Association is active in negotiating and administering the contract agreements, monitoring and influencing internal university governance, and participating in activities at both the federal and provincial level which affect universities.
Since formal establishment in 1950, the Association has developed a positive relationship with the Board of Governors and the administrators of the University, a relationship dedicated to resolving problems, not battling issues. We share a common goal: to develop this University into a preeminent research university, one in which Albertans may find a sense of both benefit and pride.
To read more about the Association of Academic Staff, please visit its website.