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- Akers Family
- Allen Family
- Andrew Risby
- Bailey Family
- Bowen Family
- Carothers and Richardson Families
- Day Family
- Edwards Family
- Gwen Hooks
- Hayes Family
- Hooks Family
- Jefferson Davis Edwards
- Jesse Jones
- John Ware
- Judi Singh
- Junetta Jamerson
- King Family
- Leffler Family
- LeVero Carter
- Linda Campbell
- Mapp Family
- Melvin Crump
- Payne Family
- Proctor Family
- Quenten Brown
- Ramsey Family
- Rosalind Harper
- Ross Family
- Smith and Geary Families
- Sneed and Saunders Families
- Thomas Alexander
- Violet King
- Virnetta and "Sugarfoot" Anderson
The Black pioneering community of Alberta has dedicated itself to preserving the individual stories of its ancestors and their families. The community has ensured that the struggles of these brave pioneers, and their encounters with a hostile and indifferent Canadian society, are remembered. In recent years, these pioneers' descendants have interviewed the last remaining pioneers and have documented their stories. Black individuals have also written of their personal experiences and those of their families—often for local history books documenting the experiences of Canada’s pioneers. These oral and written histories serve to maintain and enrich the identity and culture of the vibrant Black community that still exist in Alberta.
Editor's Note:
Check out the Multimedia Resources section of this Web site for audio clips and video vignettes of these various oral history interviews.