Faculty Club

The lovely chalet-style Faculty Club is located on Saskatchewan Drive by the wooded north section of the University of Alberta campus and overlook Edmonton's scenic river valley and downtown skyline.
The Faculty Club has its roots in the Men's Faculty Club created in the early years of the University. The members of the Club would meet Saturday evenings in the lounge of Athabasca Hall to hear other members read scholarly papers and to enjoy a social evening with coffee and sandwiches. In 1950, the Faculty Club, which now included women, was given a clubroom in the Students' Union Building. Members of the Club were very excited when Dr Francis Winspear, along with two of his friends, George H. Sleer and Gerald R. Heffernan, began raising funds for the construction of a free-standing Faculty Club building. On November 15, 1964, the Faculty Club opened its doors for the first time.
The Faculty Club is financed entirely by its members. An Executive Committee, which provides planning for the Club, is elected by Club members each year. The daily operation of the Club is administered by Peter Graf who, in 2007, celebrated his thirtieth anniversary as the Club's manager.
The Faculty Club's split-level design offers a variety of floor layouts and dining styles, as well as a common meeting place for faculty from all disciplines and nearby post-secondary institutions. It is a popular place for members to entertain visitors to the city and to relax with family and friends. In addition to offering casual and formal dining, the Club also orchestrates business meetings, retirement parties, and wedding receptions.
The Faculty Club features a variety of events each month. These events range from wine tastings and musical performances to Christmas events and New Year's Eve dinners.
To read more about the Faculty Club, please visit its website.