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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Alberta In The Early Days Logo
Alberta: How the West was Young

Heritage Trails

CKUA Radio Network logo

CKUA and the Heritage Community Foundation are proud to present this 500-vignette series of features about Alberta history. Freelance writer and producer Cheryl Croucher has conducted exhaustive research and extensive interviews to present this entertaining and wide-ranging set of three minute features. Cheryl tells the tales behind historic place-names, shares stories, and recounts the thousands of fascinating events drawn from both the history and pre-history of Alberta.

The Heritage Trails series has been produced with a generous grant from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation.

HERITAGE TRAILS...weekdays at 8:15am and 2:58pm on the CKUA Radio Network. Visit CKUA online at http://www.ckua.com/.

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            For more on the Aboriginal history of Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.