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1914-1947: The Struggling Industry
The end of the pre-war economic
boom in 1913 marked a turning point in the fortunes of coal
mining. Without the stimulus of continued immigration,
settlement, and expansion, the industry began to falter. The
impact was felt first in the Crowsnest Pass where a number of
mines shut down before 1914. It was postponed by the increased
demand of the later years of the war when coal was needed to
power troop and supply trains, and to fuel smelters producing
metal for armaments. By the early 1920s, however, production had
plummeted in both plains and mountain sectors. By 1925, over
1000 mines had opened in Alberta, but more than 400 had closed
The problem was related to the
nature of the regional economy and to technological change. The
economy, based on agriculture, could support only limited growth
in demand. While the population of the prairies increased slowly
during the three decades after World War One, it was never great
enough to stimulate large-scale industrialization, the key to
greatly increased demand for coal. Faced with difficult economic
times, the biggest single customer, railways, undertook a policy
of retrenchment in the post-war period. The process began with
the amalgamation of the Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk
Pacific into the Canadian National Railways (CNR) in 1919. It
continued in the 1920s with the refusal of the CPR and the CNR
to sustain the same level of coal purchases. Meanwhile,
hydro-electric power and petroleum were beginning to make major
inroads into the market for fuel. Industry in the Kootenay
region began switching from coal to hydro-electric power after
1918. In Alberta, the development of the
petroleum industry in
Turner Valley and elsewhere resulted in some thermal electric
plants shifting from coal to natural gas.2
As traditional markets reached
their limits, coal producers looked outward. The greatest
untapped Canadian market was Ontario, the nation's industrial
heartland. Here Pennsylvania coal was still king. Canadian coal
producers from Alberta and Nova Scotia alike sought a political
solution to overcome the disadvantage of long distances and
traditional customer preferences. Pressure grew in the 1920s for
a policy that would make Canada self-sufficient in coal. The
campaign in Western Canada, and particularly in Alberta, became
part of a larger demand for fairness from Ottawa, thought to be
habitually favouring Ontario at the expense of the West. Eastern
manufacturers, it was argued, benefited from high protective
tariffs which increased the cost of imports in Western Canada.
Natural justice entailed that Western coal, receiving only
modest tariff protection in the 1920s, be granted further
advantages in eastern markets, even if the result was higher
coal prices for Ontario consumers.3
The agitation in Alberta focused
mainly on freight-rate reform to reduce the cost of
transportation to eastern Canada. Starting in the late 1920s,
the federal government adopted a policy of freight-rate
subventions, or subsidies, on coal. Small increases were also
made in the tariff on American coal after 1930. These measures
were never sufficient to overcome the greater costs of
transportation from the West. Although transport subsidies were
still in place in 1960, the federal government was never willing
to act decisively on the issue because of the political
influence of central Canadian voters interested in cheap fuel.4
In spite of these difficulties,
the period between 1914 and 1947 was actually one of limited
expansion in output, broken by numerous fluctuations.
After the low point in the early 1920s, production rose to a new
high in 1928. The industry was hit hard by the economic
depression starting in 1929. For plains producers, the situation
was worsened during the next ten years by competition and
price-cutting struggles between the numerous companies in the
field. In the steam coal industry, production reached a low
point in 1931, followed by slow recovery during the rest of the
decade. During World War Two, production recovered to meet
increased demand and the federal government was hard-pressed to
meet its coal requirements, prohibiting strikes and restricting
the right of miners to work in other jobs.5 With the
end of the war, however, the industry faced an uncertain future
in changing times.
William N.T. Wylie, "Coal-Mining
Landscapes: Commemorating Coal Mining in Alberta and
Southeastern British Columbia," a report prepared for the
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, Parks Canada
Agency, 2001.
See Also: The Coal
IndustryOverview, Rapid Expansion,
Domestic and Steam Coalfields, 1914-1947: The Struggling Industry,
Collapse and Rebirth,
Settlement of the West,
Issues and ChallengesOverview,
Entrepreneurship, Technology,
Underground Techniques,
Surface Technology,
Surface Mining,
Social Impacts,
1882-1913: Unionization and Early Gains,
1914-1920: Revolutionary Movement,
1921-1950s: Labour Unrest and
Setbacks, Mining Companies, People of
the Coal Mines,
The Middle Class,
Miners and Local
Politics and Economics ,
Environmental Impacts,
Health and SafetyOverview,
The State and
Labour Relations,
The State and
Development after 1918.
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