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Henry Marshall Tory Chairs

Named for Henry Marshall Tory, the first President of the University (1908–29), Henry Marshall Tory Chairs at the University of Alberta were created to foster excellence in teaching and research at the University. This program is committed to the support of individuals influencing the University and the community as a whole within an interdisciplinary field.

The Chairs are expected, through their teaching, research and service, to have an impact on the University and the community. The appointments are intended for "outstanding individuals who by their presence will enhance the reputation of the University and who can provide leadership and experience for the strengthening of teaching and research in specific disciplines." Research and teaching in interdisciplinary fields are encouraged.

Any full-time member of the academic teaching staff at the University of Alberta may be appointed as a Tory Chair.

Appointments of up to four Tory Chairs are funded by the Endowment Fund for the Future.

The University's Henry Marshall Tory Teaching Chairs are listed below.

Sarah Carter, History and Classics
Beverly Lemire, History and Classics
Mark Nuttall, Anthropology
Rob Shields, Sociology
Isobel Grundy, English

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