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University Awards for Excellence in Research

Dr. Gary Kachanoski

The University of Alberta, one of Canada's most research-intensive universities, is very proud of the vitality and quality of research and scholarship activities of its faculty. The University has many researchers whose achievements in their fields are among the best in the world. This page outlines some of the awards presented by the University of Alberta in recognition of excellence in research.

J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research

Named for the first Vice-President (Research) at the University of Alberta, the J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research grew out of the University Research Prize, created by Kaplan and first presented in 1982. Renamed in 1988 to pay special tribute to the memory of J. Gordin Kaplan, the award is now known as J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research. It is the most prestigious University of Alberta research award.

The Martha Cook Piper Research Prize

The Martha Cook Piper Research Prize was established to commemorate the significant contribution made by Dr Martha Piper to the research community while she was Vice-President (Research) and Vice-President (Research and External Affairs) at the University of Alberta between 1993 and 1996.

Similar in structure to the J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research, the Martha Cook Piper Research Prize recognizes excellence in two distinct fields of research: sciences and engineering and the general area of the humanities, social sciences, law, education, and fine arts.

Killam Annual Professorships

The Killam Annual Professorships were established in July 1991 to suitably acknowledge the generous Izaak Walton and Dorothy Killam bequest. The award is granted to faculty members based on the quality of their scholarly activities such as teaching, research, publications, creative activities, presented papers, and supervision of graduate students.

Louis D. Hyndman Sr. Lecture and Awards

Presented annually, one to a scientist and the other to a technician, the Louis D. Hyndman Sr. Lecture and Awards were established in 1994 by the University of Alberta Animal Policy and Welfare Committee with a bequest from Louis D. Hyndman Sr. These events commemorate Hyndman's lifelong concern for animal welfare and are presented for significant contributions to the welfare of animals used in research and teaching at the University of Alberta.

Petro-Canada Young Innovator Awards Program

Established at the University of Alberta in 1999 by a generous endowment from Petro-Canada, the Petro-Canada Young Innovator Awards Program is designed to recognize and help support the work of outstanding young faculty researchers in the Faculties of Business, Engineering, and Science.

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