J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research
Feature Articles
Dr David Marples and Dr John Vederas have both spent countless hours in libraries and laboratories around the world trying to shed light on their fields of study. Marples, a professor of history, and Vederas, a professor of bio-organic chemistry, have been named winners of the 2003 University of Alberta J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research, the U of A's most prestigious research prize. A specialist in Eastern European studies, Marples rose to prominence by studying the many aspects of the 1986 nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. Vederas’ work on how proteins function has led to an array of promising new products, processes, and drugs. Applications developed from his research range from cholesterol-lowering drugs and natural food preservatives to medicines for combating viral infections and preventing premature births.
Original: ExpressNews
Edmonton Protocol Pioneer Earns Kaplan Award
“Just surround yourself with bright young people” is Dr Ray Rajotte’s explanation for his world-renowned research success. Rajotte heads the University of Alberta’s Islet Transplantation Group and is a member of the team that developed the Edmonton Protocol procedure for islet cell transplant. In 2002, Rajotte and the other members of his research team were working on developing a diabetes research centre on campus. In 2007, this goal has been achieved, and the Alberta Diabetes Institute will be moving into a brand new building sometime in 2008.
Original: ExpressNews

The J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research, the most prestigious University of Alberta research award, was originally called the University Research Prize and was first presented in 1982. The award was renamed in 1988 in honour of J. Gordin Kaplan, the first Vice-President (Research) at the University of Alberta.
Two awards, consisting of an engraved plaque and a $5000 cash prize, are presented annually in recognition of outstanding work in distinct fields of research: excellence in the general area of humanities, social sciences, law, education, and fine arts, and excellence in the sciences or engineering.
Past recipients of the J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research include:
Paul W. Armstrong, Medicine, Division of Cardiology
Lewis N. Klar, Law
Norman C. Beaulieu, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Royston Greenwood, Strategic Management and Organization

Wiktor (Vic) L. Adamowicz, Rural Economy
David R. Bundle, Chemistry
R. Chris Bleackley, Biochemistry
Miriam Stewart, Nursing

David R. Marples, History and Classics
John C. Vederas, Chemistry
Raymond V. Rajotte, Surgery
Max van Manen, Secondary Education
D. Jean Clandinin, Elementary Education
Richard B. Stein, Physiology
C.R. (Bob) Hinings, Strategic Management and Organization
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Susan A. McDaniel†, Sociology
David W. Schindler, Biological Sciences
Edward G. Blodgett†, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
David Lorne Tyrrell, Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
Norman Dovichi, Chemistry
Linda Fedigan, Anthropology
Isobel Grundy†, English and Film Studies
Robert Moody†, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Jacob Masliyah, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Douglas Owram, History and Classics
Gary Kelly, English and Film Studies
Dale Vitt, Biological Sciences
Chuji Hiruki†, Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
Rowland McMaster, English and Film Studies
Alice Nakamura, Finance and Management Science
Brian Sykes, Biochemistry
William Graham†, Chemistry
Lyndal Osborne†, Art and Design
James MacGregor†, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Brendan Rule*, Psychology
Paul Kebarle, Chemistry
John Orrell*, English and Film Studies
Michael James†, Biochemistry
Edward Mozejko†, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Jagannath Das, Educational Psychology
Erwin Diener, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Juliet McMaster†, English and Film Studies
Donald Westlake†, Biological Sciences
Duncan Fishwick†, History and Classics
Neil Madsen, Biochemistry
Gerhard Krapf†, Music
Norbert Morgenstern†, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Werner Israel†, Physics
Norman Page†, English and Film Studies
Leslie Green†, Political Science
Raymond Lemieux*, Chemistry
† indicates Professor Emeritus
* indicates deceased