Killam Annual Professorships
Feature Article
Killam professor started by taking radios apart
The focus of Dr. Steven Dew's research is invisible to the naked eye. But the impact of his research, teaching, and leadership has been noticeable indeed, which explains why the University of Alberta Associate Dean of Engineering is a recipient of this year's Killam Annual Professorship. Many researchers are finding nanotechnology aspects in their work. Dew's research falls under the general heading of nanotechnology, thin film technology, and microdevices.
Original: ExpressNews
Killam professor’s no ivory-tower academic
In addition to accomplishments in research and teaching, a Killam Professorship applicant is considered in light of community involvement. Dr. Dean Befus's involvement in the community extends back more than three decades to his undergraduate days at the University of Alberta. His work, since assuming the directorship of the Asthma Centre, has been expressly community oriented and has included the development and implementation of educational programs for children with asthma. He has also encouraged health care professionals to develop a team-based approach to disease management.
Original: ExpressNews
The Killam Annual Professorships were established in July 1991 to suitably acknowledge the generous Izaak Walton and Dorothy Killam bequest. The award is granted to faculty members based on the quality of their scholarly activities such as teaching, research, publications, creative activities, presented papers, and supervision of graduate students.
Killam Professors Include:
Claude Couture, Campus Saint-Jean
Russell Greiner, Department of Computing Science
Norah Keating, Department of Human Ecology
Ellen Macdonald, Department of Renewable Resources
George Pavlich, Department of Sociology
Ronald Plotnikoff, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
Lloyd Steier, Department of Strategic Management and Organization
Roderick Wasylishen, Department of Chemistry
Gordon Bell, Physical Education and Recreation
Tongwen Cheng, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mark Glover, Biochemistry
Mark Lewis, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Stephen Norris, Educational Policy Studies
Peter Boxall, Rural Economy
Warren Finlay, Mechanical Engineering
Fakhreddin Jamali, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
David Marples, History and Classics
George Pemberton, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Max van Manen, Secondary Education
Joel Weiner, Biochemistry
Wilsun Xu, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Janet Fast, Human Ecology
Anna Janowska-Wieczorek, Medicine
Liang Li, Chemistry
Locksley McGann, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Katherine Moore, Nursing
Linda Phillips, Elementary Education
Arturo Pianzola, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Ming Zuo, Mechanical Engineering
D. Jean Clandinin, Elementary Education
Catherine Field, Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
Helena Fracchia, History and Classics
Steve Hrudey, Public Health Sciences
Douglas Ivey, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Redwan Moqbel, Medicine
Jens Roland, Biological Sciences
Sirish Shah, Chemical and Materials Engineering
William Beard, Comparative Literature, Religion, and Film/Media Studies
Dean Befus, Medicine
Stan Boutin, Biological Sciences
Randolph Currah, Biological Sciences
Clayton Deutsch, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Steven Dew, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Janusz Zwiazek, Renewable Resources.
Miodrag Belosevic, Biological Sciences
J.J. Roger Cheng, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kerry Courneya, Physical Education and Recreation
Royston Greenwood, Strategic Management and Organization
John-Paul Himka, History and Classics
M. Anne Naeth, Renewable Resources
Kumar Nandakumar, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Tom Priestly, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Martin Cowie, Chemistry
Murray Gray, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Susan Hannon, Biological Sciences
Herbert Northcott, Sociology
Linda Pilarski, Oncology
David Sego, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dick Sobsey, Educational Psychology
Diane Taylor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Bert Almon, English
Glen Baker, Psychiatry
C.R. (Bob) Hinings, Organizational Analysis
Edward Knaus, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Victor Lieffers, Renewable Resources
Debra Shogan, Physical Education & Recreation
Gregory Taylor, Biological Sciences
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann, Mathematical Sciences
Simaan AbouRizk, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Wiktor Adamowicz, Rural Economy
David Chanasyk, Renewable Resources
Phillip Fedorak, Microbiology
Michael Gibbins, Accounting and Management Information Systems
Jonathan Hart, English
Ellie Prepas, Biological Sciences
Nallamuthu Rajaratnam, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Michael Dawson, Psychology
Graham Fishburne, Elementary Education
Shrawan Kumar, Physical Therapy
Janice Lander, Nursing
Anthony Lau, Mathematical Sciences
Jonathan Schaeffer, Computing Science
Peter Smith, Pharmacology
Tapan Basu, Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
Tee Guidotti, Public Health Sciences
Dianne Kieren, Human Ecology
William Lown, Chemistry
Juliet McMaster, English
Peter Robertson, Civil Engineering
Gordon Swaters, Mathematical Sciences
Alan Thomson, Medicine
Theresa Allen, Pharmacology
Michael Brett, Electrical Engineering
Robert Hudson, Renewable Resources
Ernest Kanasewich, Physics
Harvey Krahn, Sociology
Ronald McElhaney, Biochemistry
Regula Qureshi, Music
Carolyn Yewchuk, Educational Psychology
Karl Chuang, Chemical Engineering
Gary Horlick, Chemistry
Jack Jhamandas, Medicine
Janet Ross Kerr, Nursing
Tom Kieren, Secondary Education
T. Bryant Moodie, Mathematics
Peter Schouls, Philosophy
Richard Young, Romance Languages
Helmut Brauss, Music
R. Stanley Brown, Chemistry
Fernand Ellyin, Mechanical Engineering
Tessa Gordon, Pharmacology
R. Gordon Moyles, English
Nathaniel Rutter, Geology
Jeong Sim, Animal Science
Edward Tredget, Surgery
Frank Aherne, Animal Science
Stephen Arnold, Comparative Literature
Peggy Anne Field, Nursing
Daniel Smith, Civil Engineering
Dennis Vance, Biochemistry
John Vederas, Chemistry
Dale Vitt, Botany
Garth Warnock, Surgery
Einer Boberg, Speech Pathology and Audiology
Ronna Jevne, Educational Psychology
Jacob Masliyah, Chemical Engineering
Rowland McMaster, English
Gordon Rostoker, Physics
Michael Stiles, Food Science and Foods and Nutrition
Lawrence Wang, Zoology