The People of the Boreal Forest Edukit Website is the final project of a series of Alberta Aboriginal Centennial initiative begun in 2005. This involved historian and land use mapping specialist Terry Garvin, the Aseniwuche Winewak Nation of Canada, and the Heritage Community Foundation. Projects included publication of the Carving Faces, Carving Lives: People of the Boreal Forest book and poster series, and development of the People of the Boreal Forest Website.
The Carving Faces: People of the Boreal Forest Edukit is a companion to the website and was developed by the Heritage Community Foundation, a charitable trust with the mandate to link people with heritage through discovery and learning. The Foundation developed and maintains - the Alberta Online Encyclopedia. The Edukit is the 80th website on,
This project was made possible thanks to the financial contribution of Alberta Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (now Alberta Aboriginal Relations) and the Community Initiatives Program - Alberta Lottery Fund.
The People of the Boreal Forest Edukit was developed by the Heritage Community Foundation, Alberta's heritage charity. The Web site is a part of - the Alberta Online Encyclopedia. This Heritage Community Foundation initiative is giving a World Wide Web presence to the historical, natural, cultural, scientific, and technological heritage of Alberta. It is also a vehicle for ensuring that our heritage is valued by everyone.