Secondary Student Zone

The French-speaking heritage of Alberta began with the fur trade. The two component communities are related; the first consists of those seen to have mainly French-Canadian or European French connections. The other is the Métis heritage that combines European traditions with First Nations.
The Secondary Student Zone contains a number of sources and presents points of view revised and selected from the website Alberta's Francophone Heritage . The material is intended to give a perspective on settlement, language, and land rights as applied to the Francophone settlers and Métis of Alberta. This perspective is necessarily connected to federal government policies that guided settlement and the rights of Canadian citizens. This is a resource that supports the school program of study that addresses Western Canadian settlement and heritage, and the issues of human rights.
The material is organized into three main groups:
Infomatics contains material in text form; some Facts in Brief, some text excerpts, biographies, a glossary, a timeline, and additional references.
MultiMedia contains photographs and other images, and audio sources from Our Alberta Heritage series produced for CKUA radio,
Activities contains some ways to check your learning. There is a quiz, a word search, and a crossword.
While you can learn a great deal from your own exploration of this Edukit presentation, those who wish to use a teacher guided structure can turn to the Teacher Zone.
The Biographies and a Glossary are accessible from these links or the navigation list to the left.