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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Origin and Settlementphotostidbitsglossarybiographiesstory and legendspuzzles and game
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Welcome to Grade 3 !!

Welcome to the Aboriginal Origin and Settlement Edukit. This Edukit was developed to allow you discover and explore all kinds of interesting and fun facts about Aboriginal culture in Alberta and across Canada. You will learn about many important Aboriginal communities in Alberta such as Dene, Blackfoot, and Cree communities, as well as the origin and culture of the Métis people.

For instance, did you know that Aboriginal people also played an important role in adapting and contributing in the Fur Trade? Or that Aboriginal people have a special connection to the environment? Have you ever wondered why Aboriginal people settled where they did? The Aboriginal Origin and Settlement Edukit will tell you what you need to know!

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