Video Clips
In this section, students have an opportunity to view video clips of an oral history with Terry Garvin, author of Carving Faces, Carving Lives: People of the Boreal Forest. DEV SERVER
Terry recalls war, work, school, and growing up fast while he tried to support his family.
Terry recalls war, work and school, all while supporting his family.
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56 Languages
There were 56 Indian Languages in Canada, only 8 have survived.
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Baby Rattle
Baby Rattle made from Grouse
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Community Abandonment
Building off Reserves now, Fort McKay, Oil Companies
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Dream Mapping
Elders and Dream Mapping (The Traditions/Life on Trapline or The People/Peoples of the Boreal Forest)
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Fort McKay Development
1960s, negative aspects of development on community, created credits and debits (The Forest/The Region or The People/Changing Ways)
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Fort Ray Dog Team
Dog Teams, Decoration (The Traditions/Travel and Artwork)
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Fort Ray Moose Hunt
Moose hunt, cleaning and dressing, taking organs to the chief as an offering (The Forest/Wildlife or The People/Trappers, Hunters, Gatherers or The Traditions/Life on Trapline and Travel)
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Fort Ray Trappers and Hunters
Trappers, diet, wildlife, caribou (The People/Hunters, Trappers or The Forest/Wildlife or The Traditions/Life on Trapline)
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Game Warden and The Wolf
Taboo regarding the shooting of a wolf.
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Lunch For Visitors
Young natives are not moving back to community after University, one young grad started a business serving lunch to visitors in her community as there is no place to eat. (The People/Changing Ways)
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Negall Motives
Beliefs-Negall a humanlike creature, Dog Rib people believe Negall influences community decisions (The People/Peoples of the Boreal Forest)
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One Foot In Hell
Names registered under Indian Act, People not living with original names because Church/Gov't insisted they have names that could easily be understood, the French/English names used in the North not original names (The People/Changing Ways)
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Profit River
Small community along Alaska Highway, burial sites, B.C. Gov't, Gas Industry, Hunting Industry (The Traditions/Life on Trapline)
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Info about publication of Bushland People and Carving Faces, books meant for aboriginals to take ownership
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Fort Ray RCMP
Tea Dance, symbolism, uses camera to capture lifestyle of the people, community emptied out in the fall to live on the traplines (The Traditions/Life on Trapline)
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RCMP Moose
Old lady shot a moose out of season, had to go to jail, she said she was charged with murdering a moose, but all she was doing was what was normal for a native person, by native law moose are never out of season (The Forest/Wildlife or The People/Changing Ways)
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RCMP Prince George, Fort St. James
Terry's intro to the native community, natives had a strange reliance on the owrd of a police officer, learning about culture to serve the community better.
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Testing Prejudice
Interesting antidote regarding prejudice.
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Updating Value Systems
White society needs to update, is it any better than the traditional life lived by those in the community, Terry does not think so.
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War Training
WWI, Michelle Bouvier, 1919 hired to be a dog musher in Siberia, trained in Calgary but never made the journey overseas, he became Terry's interpreter in 1955, Fort Ray had no communication with outside world, people didn't know about the war, trains, cows even, just a total disconnect , Fort Ray at the time was regarded as the most Traditional society in Canada (The People/Peoples of the Boreal Forest)
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White Fox-Wolverine
Inuits living on ice became ill, furs, Scotty Gall a trader, fox pelts and wolverine pelts, trading system
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