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Alberta at War

All across Alberta signs of war could be seen. Men (and eventually women) in smart uniforms strolled the streets. Volunteers contributed to the war effort in various capacities while signs of military activity were present throughout Alberta. In cities and towns, marching bands and parades entertained the crowds. But among the sights and sounds of war there was also the adjustments to war life that had to be made. Those who remained behind on the home front were busy preparing for the battles to come. There was much to be done in order to sustain the troops fighting the war, from setting up local civil defense units to organizing fundraising campaigns and learning how to live at a time when the rationing of goods was imposed. A time of conflict was also a time of change and Albertans did what was necessary to support those who went overseas to the Front. No longer were they merely the prairie folk of a young nation spread far and wide across the land. Albertans and Canadians were now a people at war, and they answered their nation’s call to arms on all fronts, and proved themselves worthy of the challenge.

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            For more on Alberta during World War II, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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