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Extension Activities

Extension Activities

Picture Display
Get a camera and take pictures of several of the buildings in your community. Group them in some way (by size, use or some other way). Make a display of your pictures in their groupings.

Comparing Communities
Compare your community with another community that you have visited. Make a chart that shows how they compare in size, population, location, weather, and any other way you have found that they are alike or different.

A Beautiful Plan
How would you make your community more Beautiful? Make a plan that tells everything you would do.

Shopping Center Map
If your community has a shopping center, make a map of the center. They draw a trail that goes to your favorite places in the shopping center. Tell all the good and not-so-good things about having a shopping center in your community

Community Facts
Pretend you are a tour guide. Make a list of interesting facts about the places and buildings in your community. Put them on cards or on a tape recording. Make a map to show where these places are located.

Our Town Game
Make a monopoly game board using place and streets from your community

Historic Rubbing
Make a rubbing of a plaque on a building, a tombstone in a cemetery, or a landmark that shows something about your community's history. Write a short description of the building, tombstone or landmark and explain what it tells about your community's history.

Historic Comparison
How is your community different today then it was 100 years ago? Make a chart labeled "Now" and "Then" that shows the differences.

Letter to the Future
Make a tape recording or write a letter to a child in the future telling him or her what it is like to live in your community and what changes you would like to see in the future.

Dress up as someone who lived in your community long ago. Tell a story about what it was like to live then.

City Symbols
Does your community have a motto, symbol, button, historical marker, or sign? If not make one that will reflect something special about your community.

Our Town Collage
Make a collage that tells about your community. Cut out or draw pictures and words. Arrange them on a large piece of paper. When it looks just the way you want, paste them all in place

A Campaign for Change
What does your community need now? Start a campaign to make a change in you community (get people to pick up garbage, put in street lights, paint crosswalks, plant trees, or anything you think your community really needs). Convince other people to help you.

Make a mobile that tells about your community. Cut out pictures and write words and glue them to both sides of four pieces of paper. On another piece of paper, write the name of your community. Get two sticks and some string. Hang the pieces on the sticks to make a mobile.

Something Special
Make a large poster that shows something about your community. You can show something form its past, a place, a feature like a mountain or river, something that can be seen in your town that you cannot see anywhere else, or anything else that is special about your community. Hang the poster where other people can see it.

Map Marking
Get a map of your community and mark and label one of the following:

  • Points of interest
  • A walk other people would enjoy
  • Historical sites
  • The most attractive buildings
  • Places that produce pollution

Street Names
Look at the names of the streets in your community. Group some of the streets on a chart with these headings:

  • Foreign words
  • Trees
  • Descriptions
  • People's names
  • Numbers
  • Others

Opinion Banner
Make a banner that shows how you feel about your community. Draw pictures or use words to show your feelings. On one side show the things you like. On the other side, show the things you don't like.

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