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Campus Saint-Jean (Book)

Regards, paroles et gestes

The history of Saint-Jean is rich and diverse. Since 1908, Saint-Jean saw many physical and academic transformations, but its spirit remains constant. Saint-Jean stays devoted to its traditions, such as the promotion of French-Canadian language and culture, as well as high-quality education. The last twenty years of Saint-Jean's history have been marked by its status as Faculty by the University of Alberta. This important step in our institution's evolution needs to be highlighted.

Claudette Tardif,
Former Dean of the Faculté Saint-Jean

The Heritage Community Foundation, in partnership with the Campus Saint-Jean (formerly known as the Faculté Saint-Jean), is proud to present Faculté Saint-Jean - Regards, paroles et gestes, a commemorative book by France Levasseur-Ouimet that highlights the life and times of the Faculté Saint-Jean between 1908 and 1997, as well as those of the people who helped shape the Faculté into what it is today.

Faculte Saint-Jean - Regards, paroles et gestesThis book, available in French only, is in PDF format and can be viewed with Adobe Reader. You can download the software for free by visiting Adobe's website.

Adobe Acrobat Reader: http://www.adobe.com/


Download the Manuscript:
"Faculte Saint-Jean - Regards, paroles et gestes"

in French only, pdf format, 17mb

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