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Alberta's Francophone Heritage
Background, People, Culture, Heritage Community Foundation, Albertasource and Alberta Lottery Fund


Francophone Edukit

Angel Spacer

L'Ouest Canadien

Le Franco

Le Courrier de l'ouest

Le Progrès

CKRP Radio

CHFA Radio



The Canadian Radio-Television Council (CRTC) approved the establishment of television station CBXFT in Edmonton in August 1969. The station began broadcasting in March 1970, including an English and French format. The English portion included educational television, mostly broadcasting during the school day. French programming included 60 hours of rebroadcasts from Montreal. During this phase of the station, news was broadcast live for only 15 minutes a day. The only local live programming was the weather forecast.

As a result of the Official Languages Commission, CBXFT television was made available to many more communities. Nonetheless, the most isolated communities did not gain access.

Today, the local programming is still very limited, but the local news is broadcast and rebroadcast each day.

Now with cable distribution, all the major urban centres of the province have access to French language television and even have the choice of several channels. The use of satellite dishes gives viewers access to the television from all over the world.


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            For more on Francophone Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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