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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Demicharge Rapids

Category : Rapids

Demi-charge in Canadian French means literally "half load." It refers to that part of a canoe's contents that was unloaded at a décharge, which was a shallow spot or dangerous area where a boat or canoe had to be partly unloaded before it could go on. This name therefore dates from the days of the fur trade, and is at a spot where the rapids were bad enough that the boats had to be lightened.

Approximately 70 km north of Fort Chipewyan in Slave River.

Location Name : Bocquene Lake
National Topographic System (NTS) : 74 M/6
Sub Section | Section | Township | Range | Meridian
Latitude (N) | Longitude (W)
59° 19' N 111° 25' W
The content above is directly derived from :
Place Names of Alberta - Volume IV
Northern Alberta

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